KaiT81's Recent Activity

  1. KaiT81 replied to the thread From Tinnitus Success Story to Square One After Playing Drums.

    How long did it take for it to stop bothering you or for you to become habituated again? Did you do anything specific to help with this, or did...

    Sep 18, 2024 at 5:47 PM
  2. KaiT81 liked BeepBeep's post in the thread From Tinnitus Success Story to Square One After Playing Drums.

    I would only hear it when I went to bed for several years. Occasionally, I’d notice it here and there, but for the most part, it was a non-issue....

    Sep 18, 2024 at 5:21 PM
  3. KaiT81 rated Furetto's post Helpful in the thread From Tinnitus Success Story to Square One After Playing Drums.

    Hey, remember that this is an experience we've all had—and you’ll probably go through it again! I recently went through a tough phase where I was...

    Sep 18, 2024 at 4:48 PM
  4. KaiT81 replied to the thread From Tinnitus Success Story to Square One After Playing Drums.

    Hello @Furetto, Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words. I don't know you well, or at all really, but from what I’ve seen on this...

    Sep 18, 2024 at 3:00 PM
  5. KaiT81 liked Furetto's post in the thread From Tinnitus Success Story to Square One After Playing Drums.

    Kai, I believe that's the first sign that you're beginning to heal! Most success stories start just like that around the 6-9 month mark, where...

    Sep 17, 2024 at 5:15 PM
  6. KaiT81 changed their mood from Curious to Studious.

    Sep 17, 2024 at 2:13 PM
  7. KaiT81 changed their mood from Depressed to Curious.

    Sep 17, 2024 at 2:12 PM
  8. KaiT81 liked LukeYoung's post in the thread Tinnitus Fading 1.5 Years After Onset.

    It took about the same amount of time for me. Time really is the best remedy. There isn’t much else that’s worked for people. I've faced other...

    Sep 17, 2024 at 2:00 PM
  9. KaiT81 replied to the thread Tinnitus for 6 Years, Recently Spiked to Moderate/Intense After a Period of Stress/Swollen Ear.

    I’m already familiar with the thread and had the impression that it wasn’t very positive and was somewhat difficult to read. But if you think it’s...

    Sep 17, 2024 at 1:55 PM
  10. KaiT81 liked Furetto's post in the thread Tinnitus for 6 Years, Recently Spiked to Moderate/Intense After a Period of Stress/Swollen Ear.

    This is also a very good thread with lots of positive thinking backed by scientific studies. Most of the members that you see commenting in that...

    Sep 17, 2024 at 1:51 PM
  11. KaiT81 replied to the thread From Tinnitus Success Story to Square One After Playing Drums.

    Yes, that really gives me hope! It's great that you wrote or added this. When you say that habituation has mostly worked for you, does that mean...

    Sep 17, 2024 at 12:26 PM
  12. KaiT81 liked BeepBeep's post in the thread From Tinnitus Success Story to Square One After Playing Drums.

    Habituation mostly worked for me, so I try not to focus on it. Here’s some additional encouragement: when it got worse for me, it took over a...

    Sep 17, 2024 at 12:16 PM
  13. KaiT81 liked Furetto's post in the thread Tinnitus for 6 Years, Recently Spiked to Moderate/Intense After a Period of Stress/Swollen Ear.

    I am creating an Excel file that compiles stories of people who were suffering greatly and then healed. I might eventually put it online. I'm not...

    Sep 15, 2024 at 7:47 PM
  14. KaiT81 rated 2049v's post Agree in the thread My Entire Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Story — From Hell to Paradise.

    I completely agree. Many people are gaslighted and put on antidepressants or benzos because doctors don’t understand them. If someone’s tinnitus...

    Sep 15, 2024 at 7:45 PM
  15. KaiT81 liked DanielN's post in the thread Eight Years of Tinnitus — My Life Is 100% Normal Now.

    Update: I have had tinnitus for eight years now; I just thought I would drop a line. Life is good, and it has returned to practically 100%...

    Sep 14, 2024 at 5:00 PM
  16. KaiT81 replied to the thread Tinnitus for 6 Years, Recently Spiked to Moderate/Intense After a Period of Stress/Swollen Ear.

    Are you traveling right now? Have a nice vacation! I'll have another look, although I've actually already read everything in the Success Stories...

    Sep 14, 2024 at 1:01 PM
  17. KaiT81 rated Muggumbo's post Agree in the thread Mild Tinnitus for Eight Years, Worsened by Going to a Club without Earplugs.

    Time, patience, and protection are your best bets. I would avoid any very loud environment going forward. Hopefully, your tinnitus will improve...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 9:03 PM
  18. KaiT81 liked billie48's post in the thread The Positivity Thread.

    Awesome! Right on, Kathi. Don't give up our plans for T high or low. Doing that will give it more fire to enslave us. By not giving T time nor...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 7:21 PM
  19. KaiT81 liked Gee82's post in the thread Tinnitus Fading 1.5 Years After Onset.

    Hi everyone, Tinnitus hit me in December 2018 and I have been following Tinnitus Talk since. The experiences and info you shared were of great...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 6:25 PM
  20. KaiT81 liked Shera's post in the thread Major Improvement After 1.5 Years.

    I think if you're having panic attacks when you go in quiet rooms I'd say keep masking. Especially if you can. My issue was I would get very...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 6:21 PM
  21. KaiT81 liked Davey998's post in the thread Major Improvement After 1.5 Years.

    I have thought about writing this “success story” many times over the past few months. However, it would seem that whenever I get to the point...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 6:18 PM
  22. KaiT81 liked Rick Garner's post in the thread My Battle with Tinnitus Is Over.

    First of all I am not a native English speaker so forgive me if there are any grammar mistakes. I'm posting this in case my experience helps...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 5:52 PM
  23. KaiT81 liked Gl0w0ut's post in the thread Tinnitus, Sensorimotor OCD, and Recovery; One Year Later.

    Hey, I was having a bad week during the time I wrote those two posts. In general I would say I am mostly habituated in that it isn't life wrecking...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 5:48 PM
  24. KaiT81 liked Aaron44126's post in the thread Tinnitus, Sensorimotor OCD, and Recovery; One Year Later.

    I apologize then for bringing it up without doing due diligence, though I do have hope that he can re-achieve it. I should have checked his more...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 5:48 PM
  25. KaiT81 liked Michael Leigh's post in the thread Tinnitus, Sensorimotor OCD, and Recovery; One Year Later.

    HI @Aaron44126 Thank you for sharing your story. I read all 5,000 words and printed them, as I'm from an era where nothing quite beats "reading...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 5:47 PM
  26. KaiT81 liked Aaron44126's post in the thread Tinnitus, Sensorimotor OCD, and Recovery; One Year Later.

    I've been absent for a while but I wanted to come back and post my success story. I started writing and scrapped it a few times, but here I am...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 5:46 PM
  27. KaiT81 liked Luman's post in the thread What Is the Best Way to Habituate? Is Complete Habituation Possible?.

    I'm happy to say that after a very bad time for about a year and a half after getting tinnitus, my life is in no way being ruined by it....

    Sep 13, 2024 at 5:33 PM
  28. KaiT81 liked Starthrower's post in the thread What Is the Best Way to Habituate? Is Complete Habituation Possible?.

    @Sironketchup try not to think about that term habituation now. It is too soon for you. I don't use that particular term. For me it took a lot...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 5:30 PM
  29. KaiT81 rated Aaron44126's post Winner in the thread What Is the Best Way to Habituate? Is Complete Habituation Possible?.

    I'll say for me, it took five months before I began to feel that "complete" habitutation is possible. This was when I realized that I was able to...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 5:29 PM
  30. KaiT81 liked another sean's post in the thread Tinnitus Got Worse Recently — Will You Not Be Bothered by the Noise When You Are Habituated?.

    Yes, it's possible to habituate and not be bothered by tinnitus. I would avoid masking. I think it interferes with your brain habituating. I never...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 5:25 PM
  31. KaiT81 liked Aaron44126's post in the thread Tinnitus Got Worse Recently — Will You Not Be Bothered by the Noise When You Are Habituated?.

    That's basically what habituation is. Early on I didn't think that it would be possible for me. I noticed the sound constantly and couldn't help...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 5:24 PM
  32. KaiT81 liked erik's post in the thread Tinnitus Got Worse Recently — Will You Not Be Bothered by the Noise When You Are Habituated?.

    A refrigerator always makes sound but that doesn't mean you constantly hear it. Though the sound is there, your brain filters it out and ignores...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 5:22 PM
  33. KaiT81 rated MindOverMatter's post Agree in the thread I No Longer Leave the House — Things Got Worse Overnight: Ear Pain and More Intense Tinnitus.

    This doesn’t seem to be severe pain hyperacusis, but rather loudness hyperacusis with possibly reactive tinnitus. Ear burning, pressure/fullness,...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 3:51 PM
  34. KaiT81 liked MindOverMatter's post in the thread I No Longer Leave the House — Things Got Worse Overnight: Ear Pain and More Intense Tinnitus.

    This sounds very familiar to my story. In my experience (every case is different), healing wasn't linear at all—especially during the first year...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 3:49 PM
  35. KaiT81 rated Zigs's post Hug in the thread I No Longer Leave the House — Things Got Worse Overnight: Ear Pain and More Intense Tinnitus.

    Hi all, After a week or so of really focusing on my mental health, working on pain management with Curable, taking care of myself physically,...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 3:48 PM
  36. KaiT81 rated MindOverMatter's post Agree in the thread I No Longer Leave the House — Things Got Worse Overnight: Ear Pain and More Intense Tinnitus.

    You have every right to feel sorry for yourself and grieve over what, for now, may feel like "a lost life." You are good, no matter what. You're...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 3:47 PM
  37. KaiT81 rated Zigs's post Hug in the thread I No Longer Leave the House — Things Got Worse Overnight: Ear Pain and More Intense Tinnitus.

    I'm hoping to get some help from the lovely members of Tinnitus Talk. I had recovered from tinnitus, which started in October 2019 and lived a...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 3:46 PM
  38. KaiT81 liked Michael Leigh's post in the thread Electrical Head Buzzing Tinnitus — What Has Helped YOU?.

    Hi @Furetto. Thank you for your kind comments and for sharing additional information about your tinnitus. I agree that the noise trauma likely...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 3:40 PM
  39. KaiT81 replied to the thread Electrical Head Buzzing Tinnitus — What Has Helped YOU?.

    The wonderful tinnitus counselor from the Tinnitus Association Victoria always says exactly the same thing. Thank you so much for the...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 2:58 PM
  40. KaiT81 replied to the thread How to Habituate to Tinnitus.

    I think my tinnitus is mild to moderate at best—but my reaction to it and my suffering are (still) severe.

    Sep 13, 2024 at 2:54 PM
  41. KaiT81 liked Michael Leigh's post in the thread How to Habituate to Tinnitus.

    Tinnitus can be mild, moderate, or severe. Some people with mild tinnitus have no idea it can reach severe levels until it happens to them....

    Sep 13, 2024 at 2:52 PM
  42. KaiT81 liked Michael Leigh's post in the thread Electrical Head Buzzing Tinnitus — What Has Helped YOU?.

    You will habituate in time, @KaiT81. Please follow my advice to @Furetto.

    Sep 13, 2024 at 2:46 PM
  43. KaiT81 replied to the thread Electrical Head Buzzing Tinnitus — What Has Helped YOU?.

    If I’m completely honest with myself, I actually used sound enrichment more as a masking method during the first few months! Even quiet cricket...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 10:53 AM
  44. KaiT81 replied to the thread How to Habituate to Tinnitus.

    At first, that really freaked me out. However, I completely understand why you reacted the way you did to @Lipshitz's post. Sometimes I wonder...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 10:27 AM
  45. KaiT81 liked billie48's post in the thread Bilateral High-Pitched Tinnitus + When I Plug My Ears, I Hear Fast Thumping.

    I'm sorry to hear that you're suffering so much from tinnitus and hyperacusis. As you've read in my success stories (I’ve shared two), I had...

    Sep 13, 2024 at 9:09 AM
  46. KaiT81 liked Michael Leigh's post in the thread Electrical Head Buzzing Tinnitus — What Has Helped YOU?.

    Hi @Furetto. I don't think what you're experiencing will significantly affect your tinnitus fading over time. As you go through the habituation...

    Sep 12, 2024