Recent content by KaiT81

  1. KaiT81

    Yes, the 1,000 $ treatment. Exactly 1,200 $... ...but when you consider that I have already...

    Yes, the 1,000 $ treatment. Exactly 1,200 $... ...but when you consider that I have already spent over 4,000 euros on my German tinnitus counselor, it's almost "cheap" in comparison.
  2. KaiT81

    Hello Furetto, I'm feeling a little better, although I still have a lot of ups and downs and I...

    Hello Furetto, I'm feeling a little better, although I still have a lot of ups and downs and I still hear my tinnitus a lot and it often bothers me. However, I have started my professional reintegration and have also started treatment with Dr Hubbard. I have also joined another forum in the...
  3. KaiT81

    Success Is a Matter of Perception

    This is really encouraging. Thank you very much for this post!
  4. KaiT81

    Tinnitus Today Magazine Spring 2018

    I recently had a one-on-one coaching session with him online, and I found his advice helpful. I'm also considering signing up for the CBT Tinnitus course with him. However, I'm a bit perplexed and unsettled by the many negative comments about him on Tinnitus Talk. His articles in Tinnitus Today...
  5. KaiT81

    Tinnitus Today Magazine Spring 2018

    Then you were a direct patient of the famous Dr. Hubbard and learned there to respond (thoughtfully) to your tinnitus rather than to react (emotionally) to it. In an earlier post you once gave me the advice to deal with my tinnitus in this way in order to experience improvement.
  6. KaiT81

    Tinnitus Today Magazine Spring 2018

    Wow, this is great. Thanks for sharing it. Dr. Hubbard recommends the issue of the magazine in an article on the ATA website, and if one searches for it on the Internet, the first thing one finds is your post/thread here.
  7. KaiT81

    Announcement Welcome to Updated Tinnitus Talk!

    Now they have all been visually customised and look great, @Hazel!
  8. KaiT81

    Can Discontinuing Pristiq Help My Reactive Tinnitus? Should I Wear Hearing Protection 24/7?

    May I ask another question beyond my previous post, @MindOverMatter? Do you eventually feel safe and comfortable in your body again, even with the ringing in your ears? Does the emotional reaction to tinnitus subside over time, allowing you to focus on other, more important and beautiful things...
  9. KaiT81

    Can Discontinuing Pristiq Help My Reactive Tinnitus? Should I Wear Hearing Protection 24/7?

    I also try to follow this good advice for myself. I'm in my eighth month of dealing with tinnitus, and I'm still struggling a lot. I take light medication to help me sleep, do relaxation exercises, and try to distract myself with various activities. I also use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with...
  10. KaiT81

    Announcement Welcome to Updated Tinnitus Talk!

    The 'love' and 'like' reactions to posts have been revised and graphically adapted. They look great! Will the other reactions, of which there are so many, also be adapted @Hazel?
  11. KaiT81

    Announcement Welcome to Updated Tinnitus Talk!

    That's a really good idea! I'm already looking forward to it. You first have to find your way around and try out the new site–but for the moment I like it very much, both in terms of the design and the structure!
  12. KaiT81

    From Tinnitus Success Story to Square One After Playing Drums

    Hello @Furetto, I'm glad to hear that you're feeling much better and that you're about to write another success story! I’ve had several really good days in a row, even a solid week, following my setback about a week ago. During that time, the tinnitus bothered me less, and I was able to block...
  13. KaiT81


    This is a really encouraging and hopeful post for all tinnitus sufferers here. Thank you so much, @Simon101! When you mentioned that the first habituation process takes the longest, how long did it take in your experience? Did you experience any setbacks where you had to habituate again, but...
  14. KaiT81

    From Tinnitus Success Story to Square One After Playing Drums

    How long did it take for it to stop bothering you or for you to become habituated again? Did you do anything specific to help with this, or did you mainly focus on not thinking about it—and succeed? It's really hard to stop thinking about it. Many guides—books, websites, and tinnitus...
  15. KaiT81

    From Tinnitus Success Story to Square One After Playing Drums

    Hello @Furetto, Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words. I don't know you well, or at all really, but from what I’ve seen on this forum, you are one of those rare people who are outgoing, positive, and supportive of others. You don’t need to demean others to elevate yourself, and...