Recent content by Kar4

  1. K

    What if Everyone in the World Got Tinnitus?

    I Don't think so. Maybe everything around would became louder to mask it. It's much easier than research.
  2. K

    Concert Tonight. Need Support :(

    At a big stadium I think there is not as big risk as in smaller hall. With foam plugs should be no problem. So - how was the show?
  3. K

    Can Your Tinnitus Be Lowered by Alcohol? I Have a Couple of Questions

    1. no (or maybe only slightly) 2. if i drink more (and more and more) it became much more louder! 3. never drinking in the morning 4. either it is lower, or at least i am not concerned about it
  4. K

    Best Guess on When Tinnitus Will Be Cured?

    Well, my estimation is that 200 years from now.... aliens will land on the Earth, will say "oh, you don't have a cure for tinnitus yet? Here you are."
  5. K

    Please Assure Me That Everything Will Be Better and That I Will Enjoy the Music Festival

    My T never gets louder after listening live music with protection. It only changes time to time without any noticeable reasons.
  6. K

    Please Assure Me That Everything Will Be Better and That I Will Enjoy the Music Festival

    I am going to visit a music festival this weekend. Two days of hard underground music. Would like to say I am looking forward, but... There is no problem with loud music, I will protect my ears of course and I know I will bear it. I am feeling depressed for last couple weeks. Having the worst...
  7. K

    My Tinnitus Loudness Experiment!

    I had the same testing like Alue a few times. I think problem is in used method. T cannot be exactly measured as it is not perception. They used frequency corresponding to my hearing loss, but different colouring. Result was about 50db but still able to hear it. Maybe because my T is reactive...
  8. K

    The Vent Thread

    No joy, only everyday getting to work, twisted on my chair and stare to a monitor for 8 hrs when trying to concentrate. Then back home, where noone is waiting for me. No plans for future. As well, trying not to think about my past life - because i KNOW FOR SURE if I compare good and bad moments...
  9. K

    Considering Getting Custom Earplugs Made and Getting Back Into Live Music

    I've just bought a pair of alpine ear plugs. On top of that it is pretty expensive, I am sure it's not so effective for noise reduction, compared to foam plugs. But anyway i'll give it a try... hope that it will not cause problems.. Allways used just simply crumpled tissue, or later foam plugs...
  10. K

    People Who Do Not Care

    Agree with Ed209 and Michael. I just want to add a note, that personality type maybe VERY important for acceptance - imagine a person, who needs people around and talk to somebody all the time. Of course everybody needs a time off, be alone and just relax in silence, but for some people it is...
  11. K

    Does Caffeine Make Your Tinnitus Worse?

    So you mean also exercise? Which increasing pulse? Anyway... I've never been a fan of coffee (drink a lot of tea instead), but started to drink it - let's say regularly - about two years ago. Not much, compared to other people. My tinnitus got worse, but I strongly doubt there can be any...
  12. K

    Insomnia, and Tinnitus, Horrible Combo.

    I had really bad insomnia at age 12 to 22 (or so). Can't imagine this in combination with T. I feel very sorry for you. Today it is like opposite extreme - I feel tired and can fall asleep quickly every day. Don't know why. It is not good, but still better than insomnia I had - and even did not...
  13. K

    Joey Jordison, Severe Tinnitus.

    Well, illness can be caused by viruses or bacteria which has it's own evolution. It can't be never beaten, but at least medicine can achieve draw. But tinnitus is a symptom, not illness.
  14. K

    Joey Jordison, Severe Tinnitus.

    Poor guy :-( it must be a terrible moment for him. I can feel his despair turned into anger. Even such huge cheering crowd who loves you is not worth. I know I will be inconvenient, but can't help myself... what if it is ok like this. There is so much noise around us nowadays... more than...
  15. K

    Familial Tinnitus?

    I also have bad feeling about my family disposition. My father had severe hearing loss (caused by noisy work environment - never used protection). Some of our oldest family members have hearing loss. Of course it is age related, but seems to be above-average to me, as they lived whole life at...