Recent content by kariakoo

  1. K

    Can You Help Me with My Symptoms? Sensation of Liquid in Ear & Feelings of Ear Fullness

    I have tinnitus that started after I had earwax blockage. I still have tinnitus on my right ear even after ENT removed ear wax that was blocking my ear drum. I am currently experiencing sensation of some liquid (water?) in my inner ear that is trying to trickle out but nothing comes out. The...
  2. K

    Habituation or Healing?

    Abs, did your T improve? I am 6 weeks out from earwax related T that went down from intrusive hissing to low hissing ..but it is still there and it spiked once when I put olive oil in my ear. I thought I had some leftover wax to be removed but my ENT checked again and ear canal is clean..So I...
  3. K

    Ear Wax Effect — Stories of People's Tinnitus Going Away After Removing Excess Ear Wax?

    Hi Michael. Before I went to ENT I had applied olive oil and ear wax solution for a week to soften the earwax. ENT doctor used microsuction to remove wax and I immediately felt tinnitus intensity go down to low level hissing sound. However, it did not go away completely. I don't listen to...
  4. K

    Ear Wax Effect — Stories of People's Tinnitus Going Away After Removing Excess Ear Wax?

    I have had tinnitus in my right ear for almost 4 weeks now due to earwax. The intensity of the ringing/hissing sound went down after ENT doctor removed earwax that was lodged against my eardrum. However, my tinnitus is still there. I am usually not bothered during daytime or even when falling...
  5. K

    Tinnitus Due to Ear Wax

    Hello, I had ear wax blockage in my right ear about 2 weeks ago and started hearing continuous hissing sound in my ear when I tried to flush out the ear wax using ear wax cleaning kit from Walgreens. I went to ENT specialist last week and he removed the accumulated ear wax and the tinnitus...