Recent content by Karibu

  1. Karibu

    Acoustic Shock Sufferer in US — Not Just Hyperacusis

    Hi Adrian, yes, it's quite frustrating, isn't it. The first thing you need is to have the audiologist do a Hyperacusis Assessment. They test you at multiple frequencies (Hz) because it can be that specific. You can have no hearing loss, and still have hyperacusis, tinnitus, acoustic shock...
  2. Karibu

    Acoustic Shock Sufferer in US — Not Just Hyperacusis

    Greetings, I am joining your blog after reading a very critical point: hyperacusis and ongoing ear pain (ache) are not the same. Plus, ASD is specifically relevant to call center operators, of which I am and where my injury occurred. .What might be a unique feature is that I am also Hard...