Recent content by Karl Tallman

  1. Karl Tallman

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    It’s incredibly upsetting and frustrating that this condition is so widely dismissed and research remains so underfunded. Most of my anger is directed at the U.S. Department of Defense and the Veterans Affairs office. Over the years, millions of veterans have sacrificed their hearing for their...
  2. Karl Tallman

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Many of us are eagerly waiting to see when the FDA will approve the Susan Shore device—assuming Auricle has even submitted it for approval. Who knows? It might be sitting on a shelf somewhere, with no urgency to move it forward. One thing we can do (for those of us in the U.S.) is contact our...
  3. Karl Tallman

    NeuroMed Tinnitus Program — Founded by Dr. Hamid Djalilian

    I saw Dr. Djalilian in person in late August, and he put me on his Migraine Trigger Avoidance Diet, which I started on September 1. I'm also taking most of the supplements he recommended. My tinnitus follows a weekly pattern, fluctuating from a moderate to sometimes severe, very annoying tonal...
  4. Karl Tallman

    NeuroMed Tinnitus Program — Founded by Dr. Hamid Djalilian

    I live in Southern California, so I was able to see Dr. Djalilian in late August for just a $35 copay. I have moderate hearing loss and variable tinnitus in my left ear due to a one-time gunshot exposure in 1986. Over the years, it has worsened, especially since I’m a musician. It now...
  5. Karl Tallman

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I’ve been following this thread for a couple of years now, but could someone tell me if there is positive proof that Auricle has actually submitted the medical device for FDA approval, or is that just speculation? Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like there are any resources (databases)...
  6. Karl Tallman

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Apparently Susan Shore is hosting a Zoom Webinar on June 11 titled “Harnessing brain plasticity to treat tinnitus research.” I’m registered to attend. It will be interesting to see if she discusses Auricle and the current status of seeking FDA approval. →
  7. Karl Tallman

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Does anyone know anybody that was in one of the two human trials? If 100 people went through the trials and at least 50% had a reduction in the loudness of their tinnitus, I’m just curious why we never see posts from any of the other participants? I know there was @linearb who posted a year or...
  8. Karl Tallman

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Dr. Shore has been working on this potential treatment for 25 years and during that time there have been many articles online and in medical journals about her efforts. She sent out an email to her subscribers on her progress approximately 6 months ago. Auricle Inc knows there are thousands...
  9. Karl Tallman

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    The US Government spends a billion a year on US Veterans claims for tinnitus. The second the first human trial results looked promising, they should have been partnering up with UoM and providing funding for a 1000 person trial! If I was a veteran with severe quality of life diminishing...
  10. Karl Tallman

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Yes, I should. I’ve always wondered why Veterans’ associations in the US, and there must be many, have never campaigned aggressively for more funding for tinnitus research? If I had severe intrusive tinnitus that resulted from serving my country, I’d be raising bloody hell with my Senators and...
  11. Karl Tallman

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I’m glad someone asked this question and the answer truly shows how uncaring, incompetent, and ineffective our federal government is, especially the the US Veterans Administration! One billion a year spent on tinnitus claims and along comes the first viable treatment for tinnitus in the history...
  12. Karl Tallman

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Darn! 400 participants would have given us much more insight into the effectiveness of the treatment. Damn COVID-19! Thanks for the information!
  13. Karl Tallman

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I’m also optimistic that this is finally the breakthrough we’ve been waiting for and that Dr Shore’s device will help millions of tinnitus sufferers to some degree. It’s also exciting that other tinnitus researchers could piggyback on her findings and fine tune it making it even more effective...
  14. Karl Tallman

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I have read most of the recent pages on this thread but didn’t see this topic discussed. Does anybody have any knowledge or insight if Dr. Shore’s device will be effective for those that have difficulty matching the frequency of their tinnitus because it’s above 8 kHz and they also have...
  15. Karl Tallman

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Thanks for the tip blamingeverything! I read online that it is widely prescribed for insomnia instead of depression and due to its short half-life, not much of a chance on becoming dependent. Does it reduce your tinnitus severity like Klonopin? I'm trying to stay away from anything that...