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  • I desperately need a soundproof room
    In the beginning of this some of my quieter moments were in silence, particularly the sound proof booth for the hearing test. Once the AC sounds, road noise, and just sounds of life come in then it got louder. Not as much the case anymore but I prefer quiet over masking sounds, fans or other outside noise.
    I had the same issue. What helped is I put foam sealing strip all along the edges of my door and windows. It has helped a lot
    @BB23. Not with reactive T. My T is quietest in silence.
    Please, I don't want this horrible spike to be permanent. I'm begging. One week ago I was starting to habituate. Now it's unbearable.
    God I am not strong enough for this. My t is different now, I hear dog whistles, electric buzzes and a fire siren on top of all the tones. Loudness hyperacusis is getting worse, how do I stop it from getting worse. Every car passing by my window is damaging my ears, I have to cover them every time.
    Goodbye old t I guess i will never fucking sleep again
    Fuck this is suicidal level fuck
    I want to move somewhere where there are no cars and dogs
    No cars for sure. Especially no diesel trucks and Harleys. Not many dogs around me, neighbor across the street has one but it is not too annoying, rarely barks and it is a decent distance so not a bother.
    Joshua Macleod
    I can't visit some friends of mine anymore because their dog is too yappy. It's a shame, they and the dog are lovely.
    dogs are the worse
    Yesterday I had a fleeting tinnitus that turned off all the tones for a few seconds. I wonder what is the mechanism behind that.
    It happens to me too.
    Yeah, I get that, too. I almost like it when it happens.
    It's amazing how peaceful things sound when my fleeting T eliminates all the crazy static I have.
    If hyperacusis and reactivity was gone, I would feel 100% healed, despite multi-tonnal T.
    Yes it adds a entire other layer to this. My R and H has gotten less with time but the R has stuck around more.
    I am scared of every single car passing by my closed window. I cannot deal with the anxiety, I am trying, but this is too much
    I know it's scary, especially in the early onset days. I was extremely anxious of sounds and I couldn't stand the sound of the refrigerator or my own PC. High anxiety + sound sensitivity is a hellish duo. But it will improve over time, it took me nearly two years to get there and I'm less bothered by sounds, and I can play videogames pretty normally again.
    I am so sorry that we have to go through this. 2-3 months is early on. My sound sensitivity took months to go down. I still have some to certain sounds.
    @Karolina 2-3 months in is still pretty early Karolina, there's a lot of time to heal. I know that doesn't feel that way right now but you have to give it some time for improvement. I know you can get through this. I was still suffering several months in from reactive distortions and it was terrible so I know the feeling.
    Neighbors are extremely loud, they are blasting music and screaming. And they will never get T. Life is so stupidly unfair.
    I hope at some point noise pollution will be punished as severely as other acts of violence
    Aaaand I have a new sound. Welcome to the fucking family.
    Crazy psycho condition :-(
    But I probably have hidden hearing loss aka nerve damage, I don't know if I can recover, I feel like I did too much damage
    I know how it feels, and im sorry for your new sound. I also have a new tone over my 15-20 new tones. Its hard. This T sucks.
    I took a train to get dexamethasone injections, they won't give them to me. Now I'm spiking after train station and train ride. This is hell
    I am sorry. I often feel double protection makes me worse
    First couple of months were the worst for my reactivity and sound sensitivity. For me it settled down after that. T is still reactive, but not as bad. Still loud and variable though.
    I had a similar experience during the first few weeks of my t worsening, I'd call clinics nonstop and they'd tell me that I needed SSNHL for them to give the IT dexamethasone
    Man I wish I could play games again, but my computer is loud, it makes my reactive T go crazy
    Can you play without sound? I do that
    I'm afraid the pc itself is too noisy, I think I should remove the hdd disk and replace the fans with quieter ones
    I thought tinnitus would be the thing to end my life. I was wrong. It was long covid. I can't even sit up now for 1 minute, not exaggerating.
    Lost my dream job already, might drop out of university soon. Why the fuck do I keep living.
    You are young. Your odds are better. Try to give it time.
    I will, I'm trying to be more positive lately.
    You are still new to this condition. Most people improve / cope better with time. It's still very early for you.
    Might do dexamethasone injections next week. 2 months after onset - it's late, but I just keep worsening.
    I tried 3 weeks after onset. While I was taking it, I think I got some kind of acoustic trauma (whistle). But the hearing was still perfect (also on high frequency). Idk but since then everything went to catastrophic direction.
    Did you end up getting Dexamethasone injections? Did they help you?
    I'm so fucking destroyed, no one deserves this, no one. Im so scared of sounds, everything is loud. This is torture I cannot do this
    I am only 2 months in. It just gets worse week after week. I don't have any hearing loss. Why is it so severe. 9 sounds, reactive. God.
    You are likely to have very high frequency hearing loss. You should get tested from 8KHz to 20KHz. Standard hearing loss are not enough.
    Haha, no. No, I got an ear infection AFTER I got tinnitus, like, 2 months later. I probably originally got T from headphones or neurological condition (tetany) that makes it progressively worse. I am literally becoming a horror story, there is no way it will go away. I only wish that the reactive sounds would get better.
    I did have high frequency test. It was perfect. Even DPOAE was ok. I don't understand
    I got an ear infection from earplugs. ENT prescribed me ear drops that are ototoxic. My ear hurts. This is hell. Everything gets worse.
    My brain is trying to kill me
    L along the way
    Yeah that's so shitty, it feels like this too here. While naturally, the brain our brains are trying to help us with life, to live a good life. I hope things become natural some day again
    I f'd with my brain so its F'ing with me... its winning.
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