Recent content by Kavadog

  1. K

    From Catastrophic Tinnitus to Almost Silence in One Year

    SadMan, The hyperacusis is completely healed now. The first 3 months, I had to wear earplugs for everything except very soft talking. Months 3 to 6 I only had to wear earplugs if I was in a noisy place like a restaurant. Months 6 to 9 I was still sensitive to loud sounds, but I was able to go...
  2. K

    From Catastrophic Tinnitus to Almost Silence in One Year

    Gman45, the soft hiss is low enough now that I can't hear it unless I'm in a completely silent space. If I were to use a scale of 0 to 100 for my tinnitus, I would give it a 100 at the onset, a 50 after 6 months and a 4 now. Since I'm still seeing improvement month to month, I'm hoping...
  3. K

    From Catastrophic Tinnitus to Almost Silence in One Year

    Your story sounds exactly like mine. I had head trauma, tinnitus started about 1 week after the injury. The tone then hiss and both ears the same is identical to me. You seem to be healing faster than I did, it took me 6 months to go from tone to hiss. So I'm hoping you get down to a...
  4. K

    From Catastrophic Tinnitus to Almost Silence in One Year

    Hi Mags, I first started noticing improvements after about 6 weeks when I took my first round of Prednisone. After that, the improvements were more about month to month changes vs day to day or week to week. I definitely had lots of bad weeks where things got worse for a while before they...
  5. K

    From Catastrophic Tinnitus to Almost Silence in One Year

    January of last year (2020) I had a head injury (concussion) that resulted in catastrophic levels of tinnitus and hyperacusis. My tinnitus was so loud that it prevented me from sleeping, working and functioning at all for the first 3 months. It wasn't maskable even in the shower. Also, any...
  6. K

    Tinnitus from Slap to Face

    Back in January 2020 I got a hard slap in the face (not deserved!). I didn't have any symptoms other than facial bruising for the first couple days. Then on the third day I got very loud tone in both ears along with dizziness, headache and other concussion symptoms. After a couple of...