Recent content by KDMG

  1. K

    Hyperacusis Cured/Reduced by Clomipramine

    I’m currently at 100 mg of Clomipramine, with a target of 150 mg. Here are some things I’ve noticed: Sustained release is significantly more tolerable than regular clomipramine. The difference was astounding for me. Regular Clomipramine gives me heartburn and some other issues, but none of that...
  2. K

    Botox, Tenotomy and Tympanic Neurectomy for Noxacusis

    I recently had the trans nasal Botox procedure for pain hyperacusis. 10 mg of Botox on each side of the TVP. It didn't really do much, I'm afraid.
  3. K

    Botox, Tenotomy and Tympanic Neurectomy for Noxacusis

    Thanks for the update. I don't think the initial success should be attributed to a placebo. It was most likely the pain medication that reduced your symptoms. I saw a similar thing happen to another guy, but it turned out to just be the Fentanyl that they gave him post-surgery which reduced his...
  4. K

    Botox, Tenotomy and Tympanic Neurectomy for Noxacusis

    I cannot point you to what you are asking for as it does not exist. There have been no such studies, unfortunately. It is important to note that this paper (and similar papers on this surgery) considers the symptoms simply as otalgia rather than 'pain hyperacusis' or 'noxacusis'. Honestly, it...
  5. K

    Botox, Tenotomy and Tympanic Neurectomy for Noxacusis

    I haven't found anyone else who had the surgery. However, the literature clearly shows that more people have, and Professor Bance has confirmed that it has been successful with some patients. The procedure in the paper is not related to the Silverstein surgery. The tympanic neurectomy consists...
  6. K

    Botox, Tenotomy and Tympanic Neurectomy for Noxacusis

    It's weird that it is so difficult to find a doctor who will administer Botox to the middle ear in Europe. Even Professor Bance doesn't seem comfortable administering this procedure even though he is an expert in middle ear surgery. Is there anything Botox would do that removing the muscle...
  7. K

    Botox, Tenotomy and Tympanic Neurectomy for Noxacusis

    My understanding is that revision surgery seems quite normal for this procedure either due to regrowth or just not cutting enough of the nerve away. There are many, many papers on this procedure, many of which discuss the need for revision surgery. I'm at the point now where I'm thinking I may...
  8. K

    Hyperacusis Cured/Reduced by Clomipramine

    Quite a handful! I remember I took it for the first time during the day and literally felt like I was on some heavy drugs. I was completely spaced out and just looking around at all the different colours and lights. The following days I took it at night and it seemed to help me sleep. However, I...
  9. K

    Hyperacusis Cured/Reduced by Clomipramine

    What were the main side effects that you experienced? I was getting really bad heartburn, although the doctor said my vitals were normal.
  10. K

    Botox, Tenotomy and Tympanic Neurectomy for Noxacusis

    I don't know if you have seen this paper on the tympanic neurectomy, but it is very interesting. It seems that many of the participants most likely had a form of pain hyperacusis. It shows them as having hyperacusis + pain-related symptoms. One of the candidates later had a reemergence of...
  11. K

    Hyperacusis Cured/Reduced by Clomipramine

    I didn't do so great and gave up after around 5 days due to some side effects. I'm really considering it again though.
  12. K

    Botox, Tenotomy and Tympanic Neurectomy for Noxacusis

    You have noxacusis, right? Would you consider the tympanic neurectomy? I'm seriously considering it at this point as it doesn't seem like there is much to lose.
  13. K

    Hyperacusis Cured/Reduced by Clomipramine

    I'm really glad Clomipramine worked for you. I'm considering trying it again myself. Did you have loudness hyperacusis, noxacusis, or both? BTW, I'm not doom and glooming here. Ask anyone who has been on these forums for several years. Almost everyone recovers within 6 - 18 months and never...
  14. K

    Botox, Tenotomy and Tympanic Neurectomy for Noxacusis

    Are you saying your hyperacusis went away after the first surgery? Did you have loudness hyperacusis, pain hyperacusis or both? What is the second surgery that you have scheduled with Professor Bance? What procedure is it and what are its aims?
  15. K

    Hyperacusis Cured/Reduced by Clomipramine

    Ah, okay. The fact that you had hyperacusis for only 6 months makes it difficult to determine if the Clomipramine actually was the reason for your improvement. Most people see drastic improvement around 6 - 18 months of careful conduct. Either way, I'm glad you are doing much better!