Recent content by Keaghton Weber

  1. Keaghton Weber

    What Is Going On? Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome?

    Thanks for the feedback did you have the full ear feeling? If so did that go away?
  2. Keaghton Weber

    What Is Going On? Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome?

    Ok so I've had T since Feb. 14 2017 it's started only in my right ear. As my right ear got more bearable I noticed my left ear starting to act up. (No extremely loud noise exposure) Now this morning when I woke up I noticed a full feeling in my left ear almost like it was blocked up. I didn't...
  3. Keaghton Weber


    My bad I read your question wrong I use natural factor gaba I bought it at nutters
  4. Keaghton Weber


    I've been using webber Naturals ginko 60mg extrait 50:1 with 24% flavone glycosides and 6% terpene lactones
  5. Keaghton Weber


    Sorry I haven't been posting anything I've been a little busy but here's my update: Since I last posted my T has been up and down but bearable... I've been taking viatamin B12, Zinc, and Ginko Biloba, the brand I've been using is Webber Naturals. I've noticed most my spikes have been from...
  6. Keaghton Weber

    I Think It's Getting Better

    So I've been dealing with T for 6 days now... the cause is aperantly from a perforated ear drum... I've noticed over the days it's been getting much easier to deal with... it's only in my right ear and on the 5th day about mid day it stopped completely for the rest of the day even at night...
  7. Keaghton Weber

    PLEASE HELP! Tinnitus from Perforated Ear Drum

    I'm experiencing the same. did it go away?
  8. Keaghton Weber


    Update: So it lasted the rest of the day I even fell asleep with no noise! But then I awoke midnight to the sound... is this a good sign?
  9. Keaghton Weber

    Tinnitus Stopped ... And Then Came Back

    I had my T for 5 days and on the 5th day it's stopped about mid day for the rest of the day... I even fell asleep with no buzzing. Then about midnight I awoke in a huge disappointment it was back and loud as ever just instead of a solid whistle sound it's more fuzzy like the static of a TV.
  10. Keaghton Weber


    So here's my story... One night I was laying in bed drawing drinking a coffee when my left ear had a sharp squeel that lasted about 30min... two days later my right ear lost some hearing then started squeeling and as the noise diminished my hearing came back lasted about 10sec. then the next day...
  11. Keaghton Weber

    Perforated Eardrum

    I've been dealing with tinnitus for about 4 days... it seems to gradually get quieter. I weant to my Dr and he told me my eardrum was damaged... no hole but it was irritated... he told me it should heal with 4-6 weeks and the tinnitus should go with it. But I just cant stand this noise it's...