Recent content by Keegan

  1. Keegan

    Phone Alarm Caused Increased Tinnitus?

    Wow! That does sound like what happened. I noticed (similar to tinnitus) it's worse when I think about it or get stressed. It's also louder when I'm around loud things, like fans, ac units, car motors. It's almost like I can hear the motors inside the AC or fan. So maybe it is hypercaucus...
  2. Keegan

    Phone Alarm Caused Increased Tinnitus?

    Hi Everyone, I've had tinnitus for about a year. I habituated a few months afterwards but the past few months it's began really bothering me again. I've been doing a bunch of things to alleviate the sound and my reaction to it. I've been meditating, eating well, exercising, and just generally...
  3. Keegan

    Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

    @Koz how you doing buddy? I'm in the same boat. I think I've always experienced VS, but only read about it recently now it really bothers me. I'm interested to see how you are doing, hope you're well. Best, Keegan
  4. Keegan

    Acoustic Guitar?

    Thank you :) Yay!
  5. Keegan

    Acoustic Guitar?

    My great passion is music. Hence, why I might be here in the first place. Wish I knew more of the benefits of ear plugs earlier. Sigh. Is acoustic guitar safe to play with T? I use my decibel counter and it brings me up to almost 90 db. I don't know how accurate that is though. Any advice...
  6. Keegan

    Anyone Read/Hear About Tinnitus and Then Develop It?

    @DebInAustralia could you direct me to that thread? I'm new here. Cheers!
  7. Keegan

    Anyone Read/Hear About Tinnitus and Then Develop It?

    @Starlord @DebInAustralia I'm pretty sure it's a mixture of both. Yes, most people have some type of noise in their ear. I think mine might just be hyper-awareness to an already existing noise. But, Starlord, you are correct. More moderate and severe tinnitus is not something that all people...
  8. Keegan

    Loud Noises Setting Off Tinnitus

    @rhull how you feeling buddy?
  9. Keegan

    Anyone Read/Hear About Tinnitus and Then Develop It?

    Is it going to get better for you? I heard people with TMJ can get rid of their T.
  10. Keegan

    Anyone Read/Hear About Tinnitus and Then Develop It?

    @Cillian no worries. I'm not offended. Just frustrated. Wish I knew the cause... I'm still optimistic it may go away.
  11. Keegan

    Can You Create Your Own Tinnitus?

    Hey Steve, I'm in the same boat as you! Any improvement? Would love to know. Thanks!
  12. Keegan

    Anyone Read/Hear About Tinnitus and Then Develop It?

    Maybe. But I didn't hear it for the whole week and I have no hearing loss. Also, it's a crazy coincidence to read about T the same week and then begin hearing it.
  13. Keegan

    Anyone Read/Hear About Tinnitus and Then Develop It?

    How's your tinnitus?
  14. Keegan

    Anyone Read/Hear About Tinnitus and Then Develop It?

    No way what is possible? I never had tinnitus (besides after loud shows for a few days) and then one day I listened for it, and then I had it. I'm not exaggerating.
  15. Keegan

    Anyone Read/Hear About Tinnitus and Then Develop It?

    Wow really? It goes away about once a week. Actually, it's almost completely gone right now. I hear a very faint hum in my right ear, but otherwise I can't hear it when I close my ears. That leaves me feeling good!