Recent content by kelpiemsp

  1. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    I’ve had a few moments of tinnitus, nothing that lasted longer than a couple of days. It was always accompanied by a significant change in hearing (allergies or sinus infection). Unfortunately I do not :( In theory, yes. In practice, it would simply not be cost effective. I spent 12 months...
  2. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    So, I just logged on as I was curious if there was any new research and to check on old friends. No tinnitus for me and life is good.
  3. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    I wish I could say. Experiencing silence was/is so overwhelming many of my other struggles slowly faded out of my awareness. I do know that it seemed to become higher resolution, less moving. It’s like I went from 1080p to 4K.
  4. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    Who knows??! Maybe it’s impossible to predict, maybe it’s hard to replicate the device, I’ve always assumed they are dealing with struggles in Bluetooth latency.
  5. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    Because I spent a year in the UoM research lab being tested as guinea pig both before the actual trial and during the trial. I’ve met Lim, the whole research team, and have been able to view some of the data (I am a research scientist myself).
  6. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    Well if Lim is aware of the offsets among the population, it means he would have access to knowledge on timings not yet available to Shore. So it actually is very relevant...
  7. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    You do know that in the context of the UofM device the timings were actually specified exactly for the patient via EEG, right?
  8. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    No I mean EEG. I’ve never heard of a qEEG. The goal of the EEG was to determine how long the sound took to actually cause a reaction. They used this as a starting point for timings.
  9. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    Hard to say. Not sure it matters. If I try really hard and plug my ears and focus and think, I can hear a sound. But I’d rather not. From a practical perspective, I don’t hear it for weeks at a time.
  10. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    I attribute much of my specific success to having timing coordinated with an EEG, and likely experience to parameters unsuitable to the general population.
  11. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    I have a dip down to 10 dB. Some people consider that hearing loss?
  12. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    Google the rocabado exercises! From the trial. I also had exposure to timings that were calibrated via EEG as well as approximately 9 months of research. AKA, I was lucky.
  13. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    I’m not fully researched on the tinnitus TMD connection, other than it exists. My internal derangement isn’t going away, that’s impossible. But my tinnitus did. I did form an MRI confirmed pseudodisc in each by performing the exercises religiously. My TMD is still improving, but not fully...
  14. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    Well I was in trial and had tinnitus for 30 years. The general eligibility requirements are there for study design purposes mainly. You start with the population you think will be most responsive first. It would be senseless to study the whole gamut, especially if you expect some sort of dose...
  15. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    Where do you get the notion this device won’t cause structural changes? Indeed that is exactly what it does. In general, earlier is always easier because it has less time to be reinforced. What questions? Nobody is saying it won’t or can’t work for tinnitus that has been around longer. Silence...