Recent content by Ken Berquist

  1. Ken Berquist

    Eustachian Tubes Not Working Properly: How Could Acoustic Trauma Cause This?

    I had something similar done but the doc hooked me up to a machine with some suction cup like things on my ears...
  2. Ken Berquist

    Eustachian Tubes Not Working Properly: How Could Acoustic Trauma Cause This?

    I don't remember the name of the test but my audiologist performed eat by placing little suction cup like things on my ear and she had me swallow water and yawn etc... she offered me no treatment for it but i am hopeful that nasal steroids will help.
  3. Ken Berquist

    Eustachian Tubes Not Working Properly: How Could Acoustic Trauma Cause This?

    I have flown several times without any problems, perhaps the sensation that makes me think i need to pop my ears is just from my timpani-tensors when they harden/tighten up. Sorta have mild P.T.S.D., triggers a fight or flight when i hear loud noises or when i anticipate them.
  4. Ken Berquist

    Eustachian Tubes Not Working Properly: How Could Acoustic Trauma Cause This?

    Ya me too, but thats what my audiologist said...
  5. Ken Berquist

    Eustachian Tubes Not Working Properly: How Could Acoustic Trauma Cause This?

    THanks! Hope i dont need surgery! I'll talk to my audiologist about nasal steroids. It's so hard to resist attempting to pop my ears, i try do it 50 times a day though they never pop. I', curious if you know anything about binaural beats and tuning forks to treat tinnitus?
  6. Ken Berquist

    Eustachian Tubes Not Working Properly: How Could Acoustic Trauma Cause This?

    THanks, I'll look into it, though I'm apprehensive that something like that could worsen my condition.
  7. Ken Berquist

    Eustachian Tubes Not Working Properly: How Could Acoustic Trauma Cause This?

    Just by plugging my nose and blowing, they never really pop though... i can make my ears click (especially my right one) by tilting my head side to side.
  8. Ken Berquist

    Eustachian Tubes Not Working Properly: How Could Acoustic Trauma Cause This?

    Tests have shown my Eustachian tubes do not work properly.. how could this happen from an acoustic trauma? gives me a constant sensation of plugged ears. Drinking and poor nutrition seem to make it worse as well as loud noises. The more clogged my ears feel, the more my tinnitus shows up and the...
  9. Ken Berquist

