Recent content by kharaa

  1. kharaa

    What to Take for the Period Pain That Is Not Ototoxic?

    Acetaminophine(Paracetamol) is pretty safe if used occasionally, it only becomes a problem if you're using it excessively, 1000mg like once or twice a day when you need it won't hurt your liver. I've taken ibuprofun for over a decade with severe tinnitus, no real change.
  2. kharaa

    Tinnitus and Masturbation

    That is uh... an interesting theory you have there, :)
  3. kharaa

    Safest Non-Ototoxic Antibiotic?

    It varies on the type of infection, certain antimicrobials are better against different kinds of bacteria.. the ones to avoid are the micin/mycin class of antibiotics, they are usually horrifically ototoxic. (This is not definitive, but many of them are ototoxic.) Are you allergic to just...
  4. kharaa

    In Loving Memory of David Craig Muller

    People aren't being forced to read this. The title is pretty clear that it's a memorial thread to another. What would be the objective difference from reading this thread, compared to reading the thread of someone like myself that has catastrophic tinnitus. My own story is a dark and pending...
  5. kharaa

    What Is Your Biggest Problem With Tinnitus?

    I had to vote for everything. My biggest problem with tinnitus, is it's unrelenting assault on my consciousness. my ability to talk, and have conversations, or even to focus on something other then wishing i had the balls to die. For most of 2013 I was barely able to even function, i saw a...
  6. kharaa

    In Loving Memory of David Craig Muller

    I met craig in the same chat that dan is part of. He was a kind man, that was suffering horribly. To lose one of our own to this often horrifying condition and the psychological issues it causes, is disheartening.
  7. kharaa

    Study Shows Introverts Have Worse Tinnitus. Are You an Introvert?

    Personalities can evolve, :P. ISTJ is the same thing as an INTJ except with a more developed sensing than intuition. 2 of my scores were close, so I can float between INTJ ISTJ and INTP
  8. kharaa

    Study Shows Introverts Have Worse Tinnitus. Are You an Introvert?

    ISTJ here. Very much introverted (80 percent introversion)
  9. kharaa

    Concert Causing Tinnitus, Has Anyone Here Won a Lawsuit?

    The plaintiff later won on appeal: This lawsuit was ultimately dismissed:
  10. kharaa

    Dr. Jennifer Gans Psychologist Specializing in Mindfulness & Tinnitus

    Welcome Dr. Gans! I read your website. You mention hyperacusis but do not mention how you treat it. Can you explain how you treat hyperacusis? Thank you, it is great to have you here.
  11. kharaa

    Marijuana / Cannabis and Tinnitus

    I smoked consistantly from about april to about a month ago, my tinnitus in that time never seemed to be effected by the cannabis, other than spiking it until the next morning. However my T got significantly worse over the last month and i've quit out of paranoia.. someone that is part of a...
  12. kharaa

    Hi i'm Aron! :D

    Hi guys, my name is Aron, i'm 27 years old and I have severe tinnitus. My Tinnitus is 20dbsl which is in the top 2.6 percent for tinnitus volume. I've had it for 8 years and it has been intrusive for the entire duration of having it. I had somewhat habituated to it, to the point that while it...
  13. kharaa

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    To many people it was making light of a condition that tortures some of us to suicide, and pretending that having something else would be preferable. I have no doubt that was not his intent, but it's clear that even some people with tinnitus here, have not a single clue as to how severe it gets...