Recent content by Kimbob

  1. K

    Advice Please — Pulsatile Tinnitus Louder and More Constant at Present

    Thanku I did say to the ENT dr would I be having it with dye and he asked y - I just wondered he said no - maybe next step if all ok with MRI - thing is maternal grandma has tumour in ear and mum has had a brain ensurysm ( so feel like I want the full works to be sure ) x
  2. K

    Advice Please — Pulsatile Tinnitus Louder and More Constant at Present

    Hi I have had a pulsing tinnitus since around Xmas time / maybe longer - hasn't bothered me as such - but it seems constant now and fairly loud ... I get at times tinnitus at times since being a kid ( ringing ) don't bother me ... Got my. MRI in 2 weeks .... It just seems louder and more...
  3. K

    Dr. Charlie — ENT Specialist With Tinnitus

    Hi I have had a pulsing tinnitus in my r ear for few weeks - louder in evenings - always had a ringing tinnitus on and off / but this is different / nurse checked my ears said no infection and I had a mini hearing test and no hearing loss - blood pressure was ok - unsure on next move / its like...
  4. K


    No hearing loss- there is a funny sensation in that ear / hard to describe ... Don't hurt thou
  5. K


    Hi I have had ringing in both ears at times for years - but the pulsing in new and in my r ear only - it gets loud at times but def just that ear - bp and pulse ok .... It's literally doing my head in .... I have had it 4 a few weeks - thanks
  6. K


    Hi I recently started to get pulsating noise in my r ear worse in evenings ?