Recent content by Klingelmännchen

  1. Klingelmännchen

    The Personal Relevance of Tinnitus Revealed by Web Forums

    Dear Tinnitus Talk team, Without this forum I would have long ago given up hope that there could be a chance for good treatments. There are many other forums on the subject of tinnitus but none, not even that of the German Tinnitus League, is so focused on healing and has not come to terms...
  2. Klingelmännchen

    Electrical Suppression of Tinnitus with High-Rate Pulse Trains

    I found this interesting article on the INTAKT project page. The findings from the effect of CI on tinnitus are the basis of this research. A middle ear CI against tinnitus.
  3. Klingelmännchen

    Electrical Stimulation for Tinnitus Suppression

    I found this interesting article on the INTAKT project page.
  4. Klingelmännchen

    Innovative Tinnitus Treatment Discovery by NYC-Based Cypriot Doctor

    I am not sure if this is already posted.
  5. Klingelmännchen

    New Horizons in Vision and Hearing Research Symposium — March 5-7, 2018, Germany

    I am not sure if this is already posted.