Recent content by Koen

  1. K

    Can TMJ Be on Only One Side?

    I have tinnitus for about 7 months. Mostly on the left side an ultra high frequency constant tone. Now, when I clench my teeth nothing changes, but when I bring my jaw forward, I can create a pretty loud tinnitus signal, also very similar in frequency. The strange thing is that this is only...
  2. K

    TRT — Trouble Finding Mixing Point for High-Frequency Tinnitus

    I got a pair of ReSound Enya's to try out. With a white noise and pink noise setting. I can adjust the volume easily. Problem is, my tinnitus frequency is around 16 kHz. And I cannot even hear that frequency anymore. So there's absolutely no masking going on as easily as it would be with a 5...
  3. K

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Efficacy Debate

    Dr. Wilden mentioned at the end of his paper 'dangers of trt'. There was one thing I found interesting. He wondered how it can be that the introduced sound by a white noise generator does not get stuck in the brain after a 1/2 year treament? Just like the original tinnitus sound get's stuck in...
  4. K

    Hi, my skype is kdejaeger . Tnx.

    Hi, my skype is kdejaeger . Tnx.
  5. K

    Hoi. Kunnen we eens skypen over T?

    Hoi. Kunnen we eens skypen over T?
  6. K

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    No. But my decision seems to be based on false information.
  7. K

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    I clearly asked him if he ment 5% in 2/3 weeks or forever and he said 5% forever stays open. That must have been either his own experience or a random puncture of the eardrum, right. I don't get it then why that ENT would tell me 5% when that percentage wasn't representable for this procedure...
  8. K

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    No Atlantis that's not the same. A random accidentally perforation vs controlled injection.
  9. K

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    Well du uh that's what I thought as well. And the doc said 5% does not close. That scared me off course. Pfff I don't get this world sometimes.
  10. K

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    Mine was at UZA Antwerps. Dr. Vincent Van Rompaey told me about the 5%. Can't really believe it ... . I don't find much statistics about it on the internet.
  11. K

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    I don't know! It was the ENT doc just before the injections. I saw him for only a few minutes. I didn't have a chance to ask for details with him. Based on that that I didn't do it though. I only had 25 min to make up my mind. Let's just presume he was talking generally. Where does he get that...
  12. K

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    Annoying. I'm at the hospital ready for the injections. Doc told me 5% of eardrums didn't close. I have to decide now but I find 5% a lot.
  13. K

    Headphones — White Noise Generators and Tinnitus

    My T is at 16khz. I was upgrading from mp3 to flac. After comparing dance music in expensive headphones too loud it started. I was especially comparing the high frequencies. Must have been new to my ears.
  14. K

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    Lately when I wake up for a pee, the sound is much lower. Soon after I eventually wake up, the T regains a lot of strength. Is this a sign that it's already chronical? And that AM-101 won't do much anymore?
  15. K

    Headphones — White Noise Generators and Tinnitus

    But Michael, by this logic of rithm in music. This means that also without a headset, so on normal speakers, any music would be harmful. Unless you would try to explain why a headset is different. So I still don't get it yet. Unless off course you'd say a headset is always 'stronger' than a...