Recent content by Kris J

  1. K

    Spiralling Out of Control — Sudden Tinnitus Onset During a Period of High Stress

    It’s easy for people to say don’t worry, or just invite it, we all understand how this makes things worse. All I can say is that 4 years into T, btw a constant 8/10 noise in my left ear, it DOES get better. I was exactly the same as you, telling myself over and over that my life is ruined and...
  2. K

    Tinnitus Doesn’t Control You, You Control It!

    Hi Guys, I’ve had tinnitus for nearly 4 years. At first I was suicidal, I never thought I would ever get over it. It consumed me completely, but there is a happy ending to this story! 4/5 months into it I started to habituate and “get used to it” the most infuriating thing is when people who...
  3. K

    Silence Is Boring!

    Mines not to disimilar, while I was at the festival I had a really bad chest infection/flu, that’s drugs and loud music looking back was a huge error. Did you get tinnitus after the metal gig and then continue to listen to loud music? Did it get gradually worse or just start at that high level...
  4. K

    Silence Is Boring!

    When I’m in bed at night it’s easily 8/10 like same noise as a house alarm going off on the same street, at first I thought my life was over. At one point I had 6 hours sleep over 3 days and didn’t miss a minute at work, I was so exhausted I was hallucinating badly! But the good news is I...
  5. K

    Silence Is Boring!

    If I let it mine can be that loud too, I’m Only 9 months in bit I feel like if my reaction has improved this much there’s hope that it can become much more of a minor issue. Do you mind me asking how yours started? Funnily enough my Dad has it and My mums mum had it, so I suppose my DNA was...
  6. K

    Silence Is Boring!

    I’ll be sure to give it a read, most of the time this forum has been a god send. So many people suffer from this condition you’d have thought there would be more warnings and awareness. Quite shocking when you realise the lack of information about it. Both of the audiologists I have seen both...
  7. K

    Silence Is Boring!

    It’s more helpful than being negative and shooting down things that have personally helped me. I have supported many and will continue to support many people by encouraging them to view T as a friend and not an enemy, the more you accept the less bothersome it becomes that’s the bottom line of...
  8. K

    Silence Is Boring!

    Thank you, I’m glad you didn’t take this the wrong way like some. I hope to be at 95% one day! Perseption is everything, the noise remains the same, it’s my reaction changes more than anything. Would love silence one day too, but I have accepted I probably won’t... hence the headline....
  9. K

    Silence Is Boring!

    Sad that we live in a world where most people take offence and very few offer advice which has helped them
  10. K

    Silence Is Boring!

    I understand how much this noise can destroy people’s lives, mine included, but in my opinion acceptance and the perception which we deal with it means everything. It’s the only way we can move on, so by saying “silence is boring” to me is a liberating way to view the condition. Right or wrong...
  11. K

    Silence Is Boring!

    How is that insensitive? Laughing at my condition and my situation makes me realise that it’s not the be all and end all. It’s a condition I have to deal with probably forever, accept it, laugh it off and get on with your life. I Concentrate on the good things in life and it helps me deal with...
  12. K

    Silence Is Boring!

    With your attitude you’re never going to accept your T, stop hating. It’s called being positive, you should try it sometime...
  13. K

    Silence Is Boring!

    Hey all, First of all my tinnitus is always there, I always hear it I just chose to preseve it in a less destructive way. When I go to gigs I wear ear plugs and don’t stand anywhere near the front. Dave Grohl a T veteran among many other musicians play live with no ear protection on year long...
  14. K

    Silence Is Boring!

    Hi guys, I’ve been listening to my good old mate T since the start of April 2017, in that time I’ve found a few things that help. First of all I have both types of tinnitus, pulsatile and the good old high pitch scream. I developed this after a heavy week of partying at a skiing music festival...
  15. K

    ENT Got It from Being in a Soundproof Room!?

    He actually has it to the point it causes him trouble sleeping, flairs up after noise exposure like bars, gigs etc. Was interesting speaking to an ENT Dr that understands the condition. He wasn't much more help than any other Dr I've seen however, but it was re-assuring that someone can get so...