Recent content by KristinOde

  1. KristinOde

    What Type of Earplugs Can Easily and Frequently Be Removed?

    Of course, I try to do it as slowly and carefully as possible, but the seal doesn’t break, no matter how long I twist it or how slowly I try to remove it. (I have a very small ear canal.) The longer I hold the earplug, the more it transfers extremely loud sounds from my fingers. Last time, I...
  2. KristinOde

    What Type of Earplugs Can Easily and Frequently Be Removed?

    Hi, I need some advice. Due to a series of unfortunate events, I've ended up in the hospital on IV steroids multiple times a year (I'm in Europe, where they administer steroids via IV). Because of this, I wear earmuffs every time I go outside. They're easy to remove when I need to eat, but my...
  3. KristinOde

    1) How Old Are You? 2) Are You Able to Function with Your Tinnitus?

    I'm 22 now.I have had tinnitus since I was 19 (caused by a concert which was so loud that my body was shaking even in the back row). In the beginning it was pretty bad, I was in hospital a few times, did HBOT. But then I somehow got used to it and did not really care about it. I was just...
  4. KristinOde

    Impacted Tooth Extraction Using Laser: Safe for Tinnitus Sufferers?

    Hi! I'm planning to get two of my impacted teeth extracted. They will have to drill them, because they are impacted -> they drill the part that is touching tooth next to it and then extract it. Have you got any experience with laser extraction? 1.) Should I wear earmuffs or will it be worse...