Recent content by Leigh Ann

  1. Leigh Ann

    Middle Ear Myoclonus (Tensor Tympani)

    Hey, All. So. I'm just gonna lay out my experience with MEM so far. It's been roughly 3 years. I first noticed an occasional (extremely infrequent - maybe a couple times a month) click in my ears, similar to when I yawn too wide. I didn't really think anything of it. In September of 2014, I...
  2. Leigh Ann

    Stapedial Myoclonus Is Pretty Frightening

    I have to say that everyone on here who experiences "bouts" or "spells" of MEM should (relatively speaking) consider themselves lucky. I have been experiencing the sounds for around three years now. Some days are better than others, but there has not been a single day in at least the last two...