LillianLexicon97 Jul 22, 2015
LillianLexicon97 Jul 20, 2015 I've come to a realization that I hate people and trusting me near their heads with scissors probably wont be a good idea. jk.
I've come to a realization that I hate people and trusting me near their heads with scissors probably wont be a good idea. jk.
LillianLexicon97 Jun 28, 2015 I'm afraid of embracing anything related to music. I was eying RUSH on the cover of RS but couldn't bring myself to buy it.
I'm afraid of embracing anything related to music. I was eying RUSH on the cover of RS but couldn't bring myself to buy it.
LillianLexicon97 Jun 24, 2015 I love cooking but I have no one to cook for. I NEED SOMEONE TO COOK FOR!!!!!