Recent content by Lindagb

  1. L

    Somatic Pulsatile Tinnitus??

    Hi Greg. Thanks for the reply. Reading it made sense and seemed to calm my anxiety a bit. It’s interesting that you mention the vertebral artery. Looking back, there was a mention of this on my reports. The notes for my MRA of the neck state, “mild irregularity of the horizontal portion of the...
  2. L

    Somatic Pulsatile Tinnitus??

    No luck with mine. It's continued with very little change at least. I've lost 44 lbs and it still whooshed with head position. Some days there's no sound when I try to hear it. If I keep moving my neck in that way, it will come back. Some days it's easier and more frequent to deal with as well...
  3. L

    Somatic Pulsatile Tinnitus??

    I have not had any further testing done. It is still unchanged for the most part. When my heart rate is really high from exercise, it's not there. After the gym, it happens if I am talking and turn my head or swallowing as I turn my head etc... but it is still affected by turning to the left or...
  4. L

    Somatic Pulsatile Tinnitus??

    Have you been checked for a sigmoid sinus diverticulum Karen? A CT of the temporal bones will show that but it's pretty new and not many neurotologists have learned about them yet.
  5. L

    Somatic Pulsatile Tinnitus??

    My drs did attempt that, no luck.
  6. L

    Somatic Pulsatile Tinnitus??

    Yes the sternocliedoidmastoid is the muscle I was talking about. I don't hear the sound if I stretch my neck up but I read that that causes tension on the vessels and can cause pulsatile tinnitus. Mine has to jet out of my neck therfore really straining for my sound to be audible to me which is...
  7. L

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Only at Certain Angles

    Wow, yours is nearly identical to mine!!!! Mine began during pregnancy, in my right ear, a low w/o woo, w/o woo sound almost like blowing. Very low in the morning if auditable at all, increasing in pitch and volume throughout the day. Exercise makes it go away though for a short time. I only...
  8. L

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Sound Is Very Dim/Low and On and Off — Anyone With Similar?

    Mine is low and quite. It is a woo woo sound not a thumping sound. I've had all the tests except for a cerebral amigo. All my testing found was a dilated mastoid emissary vein. I only hear mine in certain positions.
  9. L

    New Pulsatile Tinnitus in One Ear. Like Someone Is Blowing Into My Ear...

    Headache and pt could be symptoms of iih but the sinus symptoms lead me to believe thats not your case if they are related. A cold or infection can cause pt and it goes away after the other problems do when it is the cause of the pt. There are so many things it could be. Ask a dr to listen...
  10. L

    Somatic Pulsatile Tinnitus??

    Hum.. this is all so much to try understanding. Mine clearly has a somatic component since I only hear it when my head is held in a certain position and not other times. If my head is turned I sometimes hear it when I start to yawn too.. I thought it stopped with pressure on the jugular but now...
  11. L

    Somatic Pulsatile Tinnitus??

    I was under the impression that somatic tinnitus in the pulsatile form indicated somatic tinnitus but from a vascular sorts as well as somatosensory. Kind of a mixture of each if you will... I know somatic tinnitus on it's own definitely represents regular tinnitus being modified by position...
  12. L

    Somatic Pulsatile Tinnitus??

    Thank you both for the info. It is helpful. I did read the paper that you refer to which is what made me wonder if this is what I have. He mentioned in it that there were two patients at his clinic that were like mine where as they did not hear it until the triggered it which was the opposite of...
  13. L

    Somatic Pulsatile Tinnitus??

    The testing seems never ending. The neurotologist whom I saw wanted a CT with contrast on me as well but I refused which is why I ended up with a neuro vascular neurologist to get the MRI testing instead, they agreed that a CT isn't the best test for tinnitus because the bones block too much of...
  14. L

    Somatic Pulsatile Tinnitus??

    Thank you for your reply. Of all the testing I've had, I don't believe the MRI itself was of the neck so now I'm wondering. The only thing I can think is it's compressed which movements. I have not tried physical therapy as I've never had problems with my neck and even now, it's just the PT. I...
  15. L

    Somatic Pulsatile Tinnitus??

    Hi there! I'm Linda. I've had pulsatile tinnitus for 2 years now. I noticed it the first time while straining my neck to look at my back pant pocket. I heard a vibratory like sound in my right ear while I was looking hard to the left. I didn't think much of it other than not liking the...