Recent content by Littlebailey

  1. Littlebailey

    What exactly is considered a safe noise level?

    Same for me. Headphones/earbuds are now strictly off limits.
  2. Littlebailey

    Greatly Improved Story/Goodbye Message

    Agreed. Great poster and person. Thanks CB for all your many helpful and sincere posts.
  3. Littlebailey

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    How do you cut these pills for smaller doses? Especially into 1/8ths? Won't the pill just crumble into bits at that size? Don't they make them in small sizes to start with, say .25 grams or whatnot, so that cutting and certainly tapering is more practical and easier to do?
  4. Littlebailey

    New Theory of Hearing/Loss/Tinnitus?

    @RichL I think maybe the rough idea of stress causing it, is, perhaps, that the normally functioning 'inhibitors' of the brain fail to to do their job when one is under great stress/anxiety, and the equilibrium between the T signal, which may actually be present and active even without hearing...
  5. Littlebailey

    New Theory of Hearing/Loss/Tinnitus?

    It doesn't, huh? Well what if you get your stress well under control within a year's time? And your T was very mild to begin with? Any chance for a remission then?
  6. Littlebailey

    Just Introducing Myself :)

    I would totally take it very easy on your ears for a long time. No iPod, no concerts, no nothing. Live your life, but avoid loud sounds. This could go away. Avoid loud noise! Good luck.
  7. Littlebailey

    New Theory of Hearing/Loss/Tinnitus?

    @dan So you're saying if we can eliminate the stress, we can eliminate the T, and restore the balance?
  8. Littlebailey

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    What I'm most curious is about people who have hearing loss, and damaged hair cells, and yet who don't get T. If so, how can that be? If they ever figure they out, they'll be a long way closer to understanding the whole thing.
  9. Littlebailey

    HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Surgery

    Indeed. What is psychogenic T?
  10. Littlebailey

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    What I was thinking as I listened to his presentation, was how this latest science is all about regenerating hair cells, of course. And as well how T is essentially caused by loss of those same hair cells, and so presumably the go hand in hand - loss of hearing/hair cells + cause of T in just...
  11. Littlebailey

    Interesting story of bilateral tinnitus development

    I don't know if this question has been asked or covered. But do people who have hearing loss not get T? Whether it's minor or moderate or profound? I've tried to google it but nothing really comes up. The notion is that hearing loss = T, but is that true all of the time? We all know about...
  12. Littlebailey

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    And this guy, this eminent Stanford ENT guy, apparently has T himself. He didn't have much to say when someone asked him about Tinnitus vis a vis curing hearing loss with regrowth of inner ear hair cells, other than hopefully, if you restore the hair cells then you halt the ringing. As we all...
  13. Littlebailey

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    And how! We're all pulling for him, and everyone fortunate enough to be part of this trial. Best of luck!!
  14. Littlebailey

    Temporary Threshold Shift

    Right. I forgot about that. But as far as a temporary threshold shift, that's the sort of thing when you come home from a rave, or some other super loud equivalent, and your hearing is way off for a little while, with or without ringing? I guess I've led a sheltered life. I don't go to...