Recent content by Lous22

  1. L

    Venous Hum from Neck Adjustment?

    I would definitely see a doctor. Pulsatile tinnitus that starts after a neck adjustment could indicate damage to an artery in your neck.
  2. L

    Pulsatile Tinnitus for 2 Years

    I am in a similar position. I have had pt since dec 2014 in my right ear. I hear my pulsatile tinnitus when my head is in certain positions, and I've also experienced it upon standing. I can also press the left side of my neck near my jugular vein and hear the noise in my right ear. I've had...
  3. L

    Pulsatile Tinnitus, Stops When Pressure Is on Back of Neck/Head?

    Jamclem, did you ever find out the cause of your PT? I have very similar symptoms and I'm currently searching for answers
  4. L

    Somatic Pulsatile Tinnitus??

    Linda- I chatted with you on this thread almost a year ago. And what are the odds... a Google search lead me right back here! I am so shocked when I read your posts because our symptoms are so similar. I too started hearing the pt in my other ear (the left). It's more of a light swishing sound...
  5. L

    Unilateral Pulsatile Tinnitus Grew Out of Stuffy Sensation in the Ears

    Did you ever find a cause? I know this post is a few years old but I have the same thing....pulsatile tinnitus when my head is moving. When I'm still I don't hear it. I've had all kinds of tests and nothing can be found, but I worry everyday about this. Any info you have would be great!!!
  6. L

    Pulsatile Tinnitus. Scared.

    Heidi, did you ever figure out the cause? My PT started a few months after my daughter was born and I'm dealing with the same anxieties you were when you wrote this post. How are you?
  7. L

    New to Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Did any of you figure out the cause of your pt???? Mine also started after I gave birth and I have yet to find an answer. I hear the sound when my head is in certain positions.
  8. L

    Caffeine & Pulsatile Tinnitus: Does It Relieve Your Symptoms?

    Did you ever find out the cause of your pt? Mine is also lessened if i drink caffeine.
  9. L

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Only at Certain Angles

    I am hoping someone can help. I have pulsatile tinnitus...a whooshing that corresponds with my pulse. It is in my right ear, but I don't hear it all the time. I only hear it when I bend my neck in certain angles, mainly to the right and also if I look down and to the left. I have had my...