Hi guys, I have pulsatile tinnitus for 2 years (October 2015) and I can't solve this problem.
My Story is;
I was using laptop on my bed for a 6 years (since 2011) and my neck always hurts so it's a dysfunction
In 2015 summer (before my pulsatile begins), I went to dentist because my gums always bled and I decided to have gum surgery, (I did) and the dentist took away my bottom left and right wisdom teeth.
I kept using the laptop on my bed in this position and my neck always hurts as I say
In 2015 November my pulsatile tinnitus start, this sound is heartbeat in my left ear.
First I went to doctors, and my ear, temporal, neck MR, CT was normal
And I did catheter angiography (in my groin) and angio results is normal.
My pulsatile sound is always same (heartbeat) but when I suddenly stand up which increases blood flow and the result is; jaw and neck pressure and pulsatile sound is increasing for 5 or 10 seconds.
I went to dentist and he gave me nightguard for my jaw but I used 1 week and didn't change my pulsatile sound.
Do you have same problem? Pulsatile tinnitus and accompanying jaw and neck pressure?
I have no choice but I always investigate this problem.
May I go to chiropractor? (they are using techniques to adjust the neck)
Do you know craniosacral therapy?
Or do I go to dentist again (maybe inflammation in my wisdom teeth area?)
I know my problem is in neck or jaw because there is jaw and neck pressure since pulsatile tinnitus started)
Sorry for my English but I need advice. Please help me.
My Story is;
I was using laptop on my bed for a 6 years (since 2011) and my neck always hurts so it's a dysfunction
In 2015 summer (before my pulsatile begins), I went to dentist because my gums always bled and I decided to have gum surgery, (I did) and the dentist took away my bottom left and right wisdom teeth.
I kept using the laptop on my bed in this position and my neck always hurts as I say
In 2015 November my pulsatile tinnitus start, this sound is heartbeat in my left ear.
First I went to doctors, and my ear, temporal, neck MR, CT was normal
And I did catheter angiography (in my groin) and angio results is normal.
My pulsatile sound is always same (heartbeat) but when I suddenly stand up which increases blood flow and the result is; jaw and neck pressure and pulsatile sound is increasing for 5 or 10 seconds.
I went to dentist and he gave me nightguard for my jaw but I used 1 week and didn't change my pulsatile sound.
Do you have same problem? Pulsatile tinnitus and accompanying jaw and neck pressure?
I have no choice but I always investigate this problem.
May I go to chiropractor? (they are using techniques to adjust the neck)
Do you know craniosacral therapy?
Or do I go to dentist again (maybe inflammation in my wisdom teeth area?)
I know my problem is in neck or jaw because there is jaw and neck pressure since pulsatile tinnitus started)
Sorry for my English but I need advice. Please help me.