Recent content by LunarRXA

  1. LunarRXA

    Gradual Habituation; Gaming/Music & Various Topics

    They're fine. Thank you for your concern.
  2. LunarRXA

    Gradual Habituation; Gaming/Music & Various Topics

    It's been a few weeks since I've really browsed these forums. I think that's for the best. I'm still listening to music. I'm still gaming. I'm still going out and doing stuff.
  3. LunarRXA

    Tinnitus a Complex Anxiety Issue? — Help Needed

    Try not to think about tinnitus too much. Whenever my tinnitus is bothering me, I stop what I'm doing, get a glass of water and breathe for a few moments or minutes. Sometimes I put on some soft piano music or something similar too. Try to live as similarly to before you had tinnitus as possible.
  4. LunarRXA

    Saw endgame the other day. Ears are fine. Gotta live your life! =O

    Saw endgame the other day. Ears are fine. Gotta live your life! =O
  5. LunarRXA

    Louder Tinnitus — Unknown Cause — Doctor Prescribed Ginkgo Biloba and Unrealistic Hope

    I have 2 types of tinnitus as well. My "EEeEeEeEe" spikes occasionally with louder sounds, but has mostly faded away. On the other hand the high-pitched tone varies in and out of intensity with background noise. Initially, the etching sound was intense, but it faded over several weeks...
  6. LunarRXA

    Mental Health and Tinnitus

    T is rough sometimes. You'll have your good days and your bad days, but it's important to not let T live your life. I try to think of mine like a noisy roommate; sometimes they're a good neighbor, and other times? Well, yeah. I'm a little more conscientious about loud music, sound, movie...
  7. LunarRXA

    T is a little rough after the movies yesterday, manageable. R ear overshadow the left ear which...

    T is a little rough after the movies yesterday, manageable. R ear overshadow the left ear which is actually kind of a nice break.
  8. LunarRXA

    Poll: What Is the Extent of Your Daily Tinnitus Intensity Fluctuations?

    Moderate. I have 2 types of tinnitus sounds in my left and right ears. They tend to drown each other out. I'm somewhat habituating to my left ear (coil-whine) but the clicking sort of cracking "EeEEeEeEee" has been coming back a little lately. I just came back from the movies (Shazam) but it...
  9. LunarRXA

    Finally starting to get 6-8 hours of sleep again. T varies still, but SLEEP. Woo xD

    Finally starting to get 6-8 hours of sleep again. T varies still, but SLEEP. Woo xD
  10. LunarRXA

    Still No Proper Sleep, So Desperate — Does Deep Sleep Come Back with Habituation?

    I've been getting about 5-6 hours on average. It's alright. It'd be nice to get 8 hours, but it's been than 2-3.
  11. LunarRXA

    Read a chapter of American Gods. Did some volunteer work. 2-3/10 T after a 5-6/10...

    Read a chapter of American Gods. Did some volunteer work. 2-3/10 T after a 5-6/10 post-volunteer spike; not so bad.
  12. LunarRXA

    Feel Isolated / Alone. How Is Everyone Else's Social Life These Days?

    Hey Momo, You can still go out to noisy locations. Just don't be afraid to bring ear plugs or leave a little early. I think that Tinnitus varies, and it will always vary. I went out the other day and did some volunteer work and my T spiked to a 5-6/10 afterwards. Today it's a 2-3/10. The...
  13. LunarRXA

    Will My Tinnitus Get Better? It Started After a Single Noise Exposure Through My Headphones

    It varies. Try not to think about it. I had several days at a about a 1-2 /10and then after doing some semi-strenuous volunteer work today as a porter and a nap it's at about a 5-6/10. Still, listening to some music and trying to drown it out. I didn't notice it at all until the volunteer...
  14. LunarRXA

    Up and down sort of day. T was a little worse. Trying to remember to breathe and listen to...

    Up and down sort of day. T was a little worse. Trying to remember to breathe and listen to music. Very much been in a classic rock mood!
  15. LunarRXA

    T still pretty low. Luckily, no dental work to be done :D Getting used to this for the most part.

    T still pretty low. Luckily, no dental work to be done :D Getting used to this for the most part.