Recent content by M Marie

  1. M Marie

    Which Ear Drops Are the Safest for Ear Infection, to Avoid Making Tinnitus Worse?

    Hi Michael, Thank you so much for your reply! My GP asked me to use Waxsol to soften wax in my left ear, and I’m not sure why it caused inflammation inside my ear canal. My right ear was fine until he insisted to try removing wax from the right ear which I did not request. I did not use any...
  2. M Marie

    Which Ear Drops Are the Safest for Ear Infection, to Avoid Making Tinnitus Worse?

    My GP said my ear canals look red and inflamed after microsuction, which irritated my ears. My right ear looks dry and flaky. Previous doctor said it looks like fungal infection, another one said it looks like bacterial... I don’t know what treatment I should get :( I was prescribed...
  3. M Marie

    Tinnitus from Unnecessary Microsuction

    I started having tinnitus since late February, which was 3 weeks ago. About a month ago, I started hearing some popping sound in my left ear when I burp, which was then diagnosed as ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction). In late February, I saw a GP that I don’t usually visit because it was a...