Recent content by Maarryy123

  1. Maarryy123

    Temporary Reduction in Tinnitus Volume After Swimming

    Hi guys!! I also want to pick up swimming!! Are you guys swimming with earplugs or without it? I am thinking that maybe I will buy silicone earplugs especially Made for water, so that may ears stay out from the wet and that there is no harm being Made to the ears!
  2. Maarryy123

    Small Victories Are Tinnitus Success Stories Too

    Also a small victory for me!! My ears are not sooo full anymore, sometimes I feel like they are normal! I went 2 weeks without coffee and I think I will completely cut it because I think it makes tinnitus worse!! I was in physiotherapy and they massaged my neck and shoulders, and when I...
  3. Maarryy123

    Slime Is Running from My Ears to My Mouth?!

    Thank you!!! I will try it! I got Vibrocil as nose spray! And a nose oil! I will try them again! Maybe it helps!
  4. Maarryy123

    Slime Is Running from My Ears to My Mouth?!

    So it's early in the morning and suddenly I do not have a high pitched sound anymore but a low pitched screech and my right ear is hurting! It feels like it wants to let fluid free?! What is going on?! I didn't do anything yesterday out of the ordinary! I also feel like my hyperacusis got...
  5. Maarryy123

    Slime Is Running from My Ears to My Mouth?!

    Thank you! I got my eustachian tube looked at with a camera and she said everything seems normal! But this was BEFORE my new ENT! I used nasal Spray and it didn't really help me! I will try those things!
  6. Maarryy123

    Slime Is Running from My Ears to My Mouth?!

    I have this feeling that slime is running into my mouth or at least something watery! The ENT also saw that and said that's weird! I did a 3 day steroid course of prednisone but this feeling was BEFORE that and not a little later after the onset of my tinnitus! Also I am going to an TMJ...
  7. Maarryy123

    Poll: Was the Advice You Got on Tinnitus Talk More Useful Than Your ENT's Advice?

    SAME!! After the onset of mine I quickly went in the morning to emergency care! There she was, that stupid ENT! I said I have tinnitus, maybe I can get some injections, she shook her head! No! Instead Ibuprofen and Sirdalud and that's it! I still hate her because I did what I had to! I at least...
  8. Maarryy123

    Tinnitus for 3 Months After a Cold

    Omg!! I feel exactly like you! It's also the right ear by mine!
  9. Maarryy123

    Hey Everyone! Ear Popped and Tinnitus Started While Watching TV and Talking

    Update! So yesterday I was visiting my little cousins, everything was fine, when all of a sudden my little cousin decided he needs to kill a fly with a swat, on a metal surface, kinda directly at my ear! Well now my ear is extra aggressive and I am going crazy! I am literally doing everything...
  10. Maarryy123

    Neti Pot for Eustachian Tube

    Omg!! Those symptomps kinda describe mine! I am still not sure if it is noise induced or like your inner tube! I had my ENT looking at my nose and tubes but she said everything was fine!! My first ENT removed a lot of earwax bc she couldn't see and there was a lot of it!! I also have to say I...
  11. Maarryy123

    Hey Everyone! Ear Popped and Tinnitus Started While Watching TV and Talking

    I guess I forgot to @... I am kinda new so I don't know if you get notifications even if I responded without @... so I will try! @Bill Bauer @Greg Sacramento @LilSass @Michael Leigh
  12. Maarryy123

    7 Weeks of Tinnitus After a Loud Concert, Hoping for a Good Outcome

    I wish you a quick recovery!!! Let's all hope for the best, that it will go away!!
  13. Maarryy123

    Hey Everyone! Ear Popped and Tinnitus Started While Watching TV and Talking

    Hi Bill!! Also a huge thank you to you too for replying!! Thank you so much!!! That's really motivating to hear!! I actually hear my tinnitus only when I am in a quiet room (THANK GOD!!), but still it isn't really pleasant!! And I feel like my hearing is kinda muffed ! But considering that...
  14. Maarryy123

    Hey Everyone! Ear Popped and Tinnitus Started While Watching TV and Talking

    Hi Greg! I never really thought about ear pressure really, because I don't fly and I only associated it with flying or swimming! I actually started working late March in an office, where I have to take the elevator and there is an air conditioner behind my back! Maybe that was building the...