Recent content by Maddy

  1. Maddy

    Earwax and Completely Blocked Ear

    Hey everyone, It has been a long while since I last posted as I had managed to successfully get used to my T, had a few ups and downs but was happy and sleeping well! However yesterday I had an itch in my bad T ear and tried to carefully itch inside it with my finger. I was obviously not...
  2. Maddy

    Do You Hear Your Tinnitus on Your Pillow?

    Penelope I totally agree! I used to always sleep on the side with my head on the pillow, however now since my T developed in that ear I can no longer sleep properly on that side as the T seems SUPER loud! I only have T in one ear so I am adjusting to sleeping on the other side or on my back! I...
  3. Maddy

    How to Deal with Anxiety?

    I too was thinking that counselling or a talking therapy would be useful! My only worry is that I will find my anxiety subsides while I am there but will the return as soon as I get home! However I believe that they can teach coping techniques to practice! As you say I am trying as much as...
  4. Maddy

    How to Deal with Anxiety?

    Hey everyone, So I've had a rough few days in which I felt extremely low and was in a very dark place. After a long walk and a chat with my mum I felt a great deal better! However I can feel those familiar feelings of anxiety starting to creep back up on me again! I think it's especially bad...
  5. Maddy

    I Have Hit Rock Bottom :(

    To everyone that has commented thank you all so much for amazingly positive and supportive words! I can't talk you how much of a god send this website has been and all your advice and stories help me to feel much less alone! It's so easy to feel isolated but knowing there are others out there...
  6. Maddy

    I Have Hit Rock Bottom :(

    Thank yo So sorry to hear about your concussion symptoms as well as the T! You are a true insipiration, it must be so tough to stay positive in such a situation but good on you for preserving! Thank you so much for your kind words and advice, it means a lot :) All the best!
  7. Maddy

    I Have Hit Rock Bottom :(

    Hi there, No I hadn't even thought of that! Will get on to that ASAP! Thank you for advice and kind words they are so greatly appreciated!
  8. Maddy

    I Have Hit Rock Bottom :(

    Ok so I'm in my second month of T and it's been a roller coaster of emotion at first beginning with complete despair and then turned into me being able to manage the t during the day and was getting just about enough sleep most nights. However as of the last two days my T has been extremely...
  9. Maddy

    T been very bad today, trying to stay positive though! :)

    T been very bad today, trying to stay positive though! :)
  10. Maddy

    What Do You THINK Is Causing Your Tinnitus?

    I think my T may be caused by ETD (Eustachian tube dysfunction) or fluid in the middle ear
  11. Maddy

    New to tinnitus

    Hi there :) I first noticing my T following a cold and the same as you my ears felt full and would crackle and pop like crazy whenever I swallowed, yawned, moved my jaw, etc. At first my doctor told me to give it a few weeks to see if it would go on its own but of course it didn't so i went...
  12. Maddy

    Tinnitus Almost Disappears When Pulling on Ear Lobe

    That would make sense! Thank you!
  13. Maddy

    Tinnitus Almost Disappears When Pulling on Ear Lobe

    Not that I'm aware of? My doctor has suggested that I have euchastian tube dysfunction (ETD) but not really sure about TMJ
  14. Maddy

    Tinnitus Almost Disappears When Pulling on Ear Lobe

    :P t is so unpredictable isn't it! Hahha that would be fantastic! Although might look a little strange!
  15. Maddy

    Tinnitus Almost Disappears When Pulling on Ear Lobe

    Yeah! I can't stop trying it now! Everytime I do it the T seems to reduce significantly in volume! It's great but frustrating at the same time as I can't walk around with my finger in my ear all day haha!