Recent content by makocc21

  1. makocc21

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    Hello, I am new to this and don't know I am doing this right. I have been invited to the AM 101 trails and have not seen much on the pre screening for the ttial. Can I be disquaify for high blood pressure or for taking Losartan for blood pressure? What are some of the disquaifiers during the pre...
  2. makocc21

    My Success/AM-101 Trial

    Hello, I am new to this so don't know if am doing this right. I have been invited to join the AM 101 trial. I have not seen any post here detailing the pre screen for the trail. I don't want to be disquaified. My concern is my blood pressure. I have been taking losartan for long before I got...