Recent content by manapuas

  1. manapuas

    Tinnitus from Gunshots: Here I'm Joining the Party

    Thanks, I'm hoping so. It seems like everyday it gets a smidge better.
  2. manapuas

    Tinnitus from Gunshots: Here I'm Joining the Party

    Very positive they only did the audiogram. None of it was loud at all, just two of the frequencies were uncomfortable to sit through but wasn't loud by any means. Once it was done they took me out of the booth and went over my results. Did the spike subside? I'm on day three now and it seems...
  3. manapuas

    Just posting to vent, but I feel super down and defeated. Going through a breakup + a spike from...

    Just posting to vent, but I feel super down and defeated. Going through a breakup + a spike from a recent ENT appt. Everything just sucks rn
  4. manapuas

    Tinnitus from Gunshots: Here I'm Joining the Party

    Even if it was just an audiogram? It's the only test they did and it seemed like most people tolerate it pretty well. I honestly can't tell if it's getting better or staying the same. I've been stressing out about it and not sure if it's contributing to making it worse.
  5. manapuas

    Tinnitus from Gunshots: Here I'm Joining the Party

    I saw an ENT yesterday who manually removed a little bit of earwax from my ears. Afterwards I took an extended audiogram and scored perfectly on it. Ever since then though I feel like the ringing in my ear has spiked, as 2 of the frequencies were a little uncomfortable, but definitely not loud...
  6. manapuas

    Tinnitus from Gunshots: Here I'm Joining the Party

    That is great to hear you're slowly improving. I can't say I've noticed any improvement yet but some days seem better than others. I haven't been the best on taking supplements since I hate taking pills. Have you been taking anything or just letting time do its thing? Likewise, 2023 sucked for...
  7. manapuas

    Tinnitus from Gunshots: Here I'm Joining the Party

    Hi everyone, I've been a long time lurker and finally just made an account. I figured maybe I can document my journey here and hope I can help someone, even if it's just lending an ear. I work in a field where I work with firearms occasionally. Normally we wear inner and outer protection and I...