Recent content by Margaret21

  1. Margaret21

    Piercing Tinnitus — Getting Worse and Can't Escape It

    Hi Dave, I needed to read this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. A huge hug to you!
  2. Margaret21

    Piercing Tinnitus — Getting Worse and Can't Escape It

    I have several piercing high pitch sounds that actually hurt my ears. I can hear it as well as physically sense it, if that makes sense? Along with this I have constant head pressure, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, nausea, tmj dysfunction (jaw deviation 6mm to the right, which the...
  3. Margaret21

    Hi, I'm Mar and I Have Tinnitus Too! It's Been 6 1/2 Years Now. Also, I Have Occipital Neuralgia.

    Oh my goodness. I will share this great advice. Glad you are better. Thanks again and warm regards to you!
  4. Margaret21

    Hi, I'm Mar and I Have Tinnitus Too! It's Been 6 1/2 Years Now. Also, I Have Occipital Neuralgia.

    Hi Mary, thank you so much for responding. I am glad to know you are doing better. Very big scare with the heart attack. Same here, it’s a huge challenge to deal with this constant noise in our heads then develop other health issues on top of that. I wish you all my best in good health.
  5. Margaret21

    Feel Like I'm Running a Marathon with This... Needing Some High 5's from the Crowd!

    Dear Vicki, your words exactly describe my experience with this. My heart goes out to all of us.
  6. Margaret21

    Hi, I'm Mar and I Have Tinnitus Too! It's Been 6 1/2 Years Now. Also, I Have Occipital Neuralgia.

    Hi Marbou, how are you doing? I’m suffering from tinnitus, occipital neuralgia and tmj disorder. My worst is the tinnitus. I keep wondering if they are all related as I never had these 3 things. This all started after ankle surgery for a fall I had in 2017. It’s been a series of symptoms that...
  7. Margaret21

    Extreme Fatigue After My Tinnitus Started

    Yes I am constantly exhausted mentally and physically with extreme headaches. Neck pain and the strangest symptoms. I slept great before this. I have to be on meds to sleep now because of this strange malady and I am against using meds but have no choice. I had incredible energy and hardly...
  8. Margaret21

    For One Beautiful Day I Had Silence

    Wow this is wonderful news and very inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing! May you continue to experience silence. My wish is for all of us to experience silence again.
  9. Margaret21

    Brai3n Tinnitus Clinic

    Thank you.
  10. Margaret21

    Brai3n Tinnitus Clinic

    Dr. Ancill, with all due respect, please can you describe the tinnitus sound or sounds you hear? Personally I hear extremely piercing screeching in both my head and ears nonstop. It’s very physical as the screeching hurts my ears and disrupts my sleep. I am slowly deteriorating because it’s...
  11. Margaret21


    Thank you Michael, I have read all your advice and I am grateful for that.
  12. Margaret21


    I’m not a creative writer by profession however for business I had to write letters, do public presentations, etc... I noticed that I did a long post earlier and I didn’t even use paragraphs. I can’t believe I forgot to use paragraphs on my post earlier. The constant cacophony has affected my...
  13. Margaret21

    Guys, Any Words on Encouragement?

    Very true. This condition has been life changing and the hardest thing is that no one I know has any clue of the suffering. Surrounded by people yet I have never felt so alone since this appeared out of the blue. I share your goal and I will keep the hope and faith that you, me and everyone...
  14. Margaret21

    Support Dr. Rauschecker's Tinnitus Research — a Man Who Really Means to Make a Difference

    Greetings @Markku and everyone. This fundraiser needs global awareness perhaps from celebrities that have opened up about this drastically life changing condition? Is there anyone who can connect with them to share the fundraiser link on their Twitter, Facebook, Instagram accounts? Then it...