Recent content by Mark K.

  1. Mark K.

    Isolated and Suffering — What Do I Do?

    Sorry to hear your suffering. But trust me......It will get better. Much better. I was in a very similar place you are in right now, but as time went by, I slowly began to habituate to this high pitched whistle. At the beginning I felt there was no way I could ever live a normal happy life...
  2. Mark K.

    Started Getting Tinnitus 1 Week Ago in Hawaii

    Hey Buddy: You are not alone out here in Hawaii. We actually have a small Support Group here in Honolulu. If you'd like to get together with our group, I can arrange a meeting time for us. Trust me, it's going to get better. You can meet a lot of us personally, and we can explain the...
  3. Mark K.

    What Causes Hyperacusis? Why Most Tinnitus Sufferers Have It?

    Hello Dr. Hubbard: I was wondering how is H created? And why does it appear for most Tinnitus people? I'm thinking that H is caused by our brain, and is found mainly in T people because we are always listening for our T so intensely that our brain creates the H. Is this a fair assessment or...
  4. Mark K.

    Spikes and Habituation

    Hello Dr. Nagler I was wondering if people who have Tinnitus, that aren't bothered by it at all, have spikes or H? I have a friend who has had ringing in his ears for over 10 years, but his T never bothered him at all, even though he can hear it loud and clear, he's not bothered by it, and its...
  5. Mark K.

    Hearing Aid Feature Helps

    Hi Dr. Nagler: I have a question. Recently, I've been using my Widex Zens hearing aid feature for about 4 hours a day. My hearing is actually okay, even though my left ear cant hear some high frequencies. What I've noticed is when I put on the hearing aid feature, the outside sounds are...
  6. Mark K.

    Annoying Tinnitus When Watching TV

    Hey NiNyu: Did you have H from the beginning of your T? And did the sound aggravate your T from the beginning or did it take some time (like your 2nd month)? My T definitely gets louder from listening to certain sounds, but my ears haven't hurt me ( I hope never). Looks like you've had T for...
  7. Mark K.

    Hyper Sensitive Ears and Reactive Tinnitus

    Hello Dr. Hubbard: I've had T for about 4 months now, the first 3 months I just had T, but the last month I started H, and my T just recently began to be reactive to sounds now. Yesterday I put on my Widex Zen Hearing Devices and turned on the Hearing Aid Feature, which seemed to lessen my H...
  8. Mark K.

    Annoying Tinnitus When Watching TV

    My T has recently become reactive. The first 3 months it wouldn't react to sounds, but now certain sounds tend to react my T. I'm continuing to expose my ears to my everyday sound environment, with the hopes my T's reactions will subside. But interestingly, I do notice that when I put on my...
  9. Mark K.

    New Tinnitus Sufferer from Hawaii

    Hey Phil: I just sent you a post. But lets get together for Coffee. Believe it or not, we have numerous of T people here in Hawaii. Do you work or live on the leeward side of the Island? I usually meet with another person who has T at a place called CoffeeBean located in Pearl City (right...
  10. Mark K.

    Tinnitus Constantly Changing

    Are you doing any Sound Therapy, or any other type of Therapies (ie. TRT, CBT, etc.)? I've been using Widex Zen Therapy, and also listening to Audionotch Sound Therapy at night when I sleep. I've been on it for about a month, but it usually takes a few months before they say you see results...
  11. Mark K.

    Tinnitus Constantly Changing

    My T is doing the same thing also. I've had my T going on 4 months now. Over the last 3 weeks, I noticed my H has gotten much more sensitive, and certain sounds seem to make my T louder. Also, like you, one day my T is very low in some cases almost non-existent, and the next day the level...
  12. Mark K.

    Feeling So Suicidal

    Hey Everybody: I'm reading that the best way to deal with H, is not to overprotect your ears from normal environmental sounds. Why? I'm assuming it allows your brain to get use to the new sounds, thus making it all sound normal again. I'm not 100% sure on that, but does anyone know why its...
  13. Mark K.

    The Positivity Thread

    Hey Giovanni: Great attitude! And still a Newbie? I only wish I had your attitude my first month of T. I truly believe the quicker you accept your T and conquer your fear and anxiety, the quicker and stronger you develop those Neuron pathways that enable you to habituate and basically allow...
  14. Mark K.

    Another Good Month

    Thank you for that information, I will definitely try it. But do you do any daily practices to help you with your habituation? For example, listen to Sound Therapy for a few hours a day, or practice a CBT skill you have learned on a daily basis?
  15. Mark K.

    Another Good Month

    Aloha: What CBT skills do you use on a daily basis? Or when you need to during stressful moments? Mark K.