Recent content by Mark T

  1. Mark T

    Anyone Else Got VR (Virtual Reality)?

    I also have a PS4 and PSVR, best game I have played is Resident Evil 7. I play with headphones on, the PSVR headphones socket does not go very loud, compared to other sources.
  2. Mark T

    What Might Cause Ear Fluttering / Contracting? I'm Not Sure?

    I have had the ear fluttering/pressure since my T started, most of the time it is caused by people talking, dogs barking, and loud noises. But if I think of a loud noise or a places where there are loud noises i.e. Cinemas , Live Music this will also cause the effects. The pressure and dull...
  3. Mark T

    Calling Tinnitus T

    That's what I do
  4. Mark T

    Anyone Got Tinnitus Worse in One Ear Than the Other?

    Same here left ear is noisy and loud, right ear I can sometimes hear some noise. Maybe I have always had a bit of noise in my right, but cause I am more aware of the noises in my head I am overly looking for problems. Who knows.
  5. Mark T

    Why Does Tinnitus Spike?

    I know this is a old thread...... My T has spiked bad for the first time in a while, has made feel sad and worried again. If I think that my T is getting worst and worry about it....! that is normally enough to cause a spike. Also I play electric guitar and for some reason that causes me to...
  6. Mark T

    How Do You Keep Your Sanity?

    Hi Mick, I am in a similar problem, about a month ago I played guitar in my band with ear plugs in and I have now got increased T. I have been taking anti depressions to help with my anxiety and depression. Mark
  7. Mark T

    Tinnitus Spike?

    Hi Bill, Thanks for the reply. I have had some history with anxiety and depression and most of my close family suffer as well. So when I got Tinnitus I got flooded with anxiety and depression. Mark
  8. Mark T

    Tinnitus Spike?

    Thank you for the replies Riikka I normally don't have a problem at night falling to sleep, but I wake up early and then my anxiety kicks in, and then I have problems most of the day. Evening are normally ok if I watch TV to take my mind of the Tinnitus . I am also taking 20 mg fluoxetine a...
  9. Mark T

    Tinnitus Spike?

    Hello, I am a guitarist in a Hard Rock Band, my T started last September after not using ear plugs. For the first 3 months I suffered from depression and anxiety which started to clear after using anti-depressants, I also noticed that the T volume became less and I could start getting on with...