Recent content by martinberryhorse

  1. martinberryhorse

    Do you just wake up and its better? Or does it go down during the day?

    Do you just wake up and its better? Or does it go down during the day?
  2. martinberryhorse

    Took a nap with my cat using him like a pillow, he was purring. Got up and my ringing was...

    Took a nap with my cat using him like a pillow, he was purring. Got up and my ringing was replaced with an ocean in a very long tube sound.
  3. martinberryhorse

    @Flowergirl Guess I'm lucky, only had 1 spike that lasted a few days, all others go away after I...

    @Flowergirl Guess I'm lucky, only had 1 spike that lasted a few days, all others go away after I sleep.
  4. martinberryhorse

    Besides Tinnitus, What Other Symptoms Do You Have?

    It doesn't happen when I burp, but it does if I try to blow my nose, or even just exhale hard through my nose. It's actually how I got tinnitus over 3 years ago by coughing too hard and forcing air/mucus into my Eustachian tube. It only does it through the left ear now, and ever since after my...
  5. martinberryhorse

    I know a few people who got T from head injury, they all got T immediately. I would guess you...

    I know a few people who got T from head injury, they all got T immediately. I would guess you are probably ok.
  6. martinberryhorse

    Momentary spikes when I open my jaw. Ear feels like it goes deaf for a second. Been using a...

    Momentary spikes when I open my jaw. Ear feels like it goes deaf for a second. Been using a nightguard for a year. Anyone have any ideas?
  7. martinberryhorse

    They work for me

    They work for me
  8. martinberryhorse

    Working Out with Pain and Loudness Hyperacusis

    Just want to add my 2 cents. I basically live to work out these days. I lift heavy and intensely, both compounds and isolations. I even do neck training where I attach weights to a harness I wear on my head. I've been at it for 2.5 of the 3 years I've had tinnitus. My tinnitus will spike when...
  9. martinberryhorse

    Long Gun Blast a Week Ago Resulted in High-Pitched Tinnitus and Other Symptoms

    That's very interesting, I remember reading someone else on this site experienced the same thing. Out of curiosity, did you also have earplugs under your Peltors?
  10. martinberryhorse

    Tbh I never did. I always loved silence. Even as a teenager I would spend hours just walking out...

    Tbh I never did. I always loved silence. Even as a teenager I would spend hours just walking out in the middle of nowhere listening to all the little sounds here and there and the space between. It was sacred to me.
  11. martinberryhorse

    @Steph1710 How did you pop them? Valsalva?

    @Steph1710 How did you pop them? Valsalva?
  12. martinberryhorse

    @Ngo13 I understand, I gave up on hope probably a year ago. It seems to be part of the road to...

    @Ngo13 I understand, I gave up on hope probably a year ago. It seems to be part of the road to acceptance as I was making no progress in that respect when I still held on to hope.
  13. martinberryhorse

    It's weird. When my T would spike to an 8, I'd actually fall asleep faster, I felt relieved...

    It's weird. When my T would spike to an 8, I'd actually fall asleep faster, I felt relieved knowing it would be lower in the morning. Then I'd wake up and it would bother me more at a lower volume. I can certainly understand your feeling here even though it seems counterintuitive.
  14. martinberryhorse

    I spent a lot of time compiling forum posts a couple years ago of people who improved. Most of...

    I spent a lot of time compiling forum posts a couple years ago of people who improved. Most of them improved after 6 months, one guy recovered completely around 3.5 years. One person took 10 years. It seems it can improve at any moment.
  15. martinberryhorse

    NeilMed Sinus Rinse Caused My Tinnitus

    For me the mindset began to set in (not fully there yet) after I realized I either have to die or keep going, and I realized that I wasn't ready to give up on everything and I might as well see what comes next. As for sleep, oddly enough ear plugs help me. Mine is also quietest in the morning...