Recent content by Maureen777

  1. Maureen777

    Semicircular Canal Dehiscence Can Cause Pulsatile Tinnitus and Is Linked to Anxiety

    I’ve had an MRI before, and that was super loud! But the CT scan I had done was a bit loud, but nowhere near as loud as the MRI. There is surgery that can be done apparently, but my ENT (ear, nose and throat) doctor said it’s kind of risky, because it’s near the brain. So I’m just kind of...
  2. Maureen777

    Semicircular Canal Dehiscence Can Cause Pulsatile Tinnitus and Is Linked to Anxiety

    Thanks for posting this. This is exactly what I have. I had a CT scan done about a year ago, and they told me I have this: Semicircular Canal Dehiscence Syndrome. It's very annoying. I think that's why I have really bad hyperacusis. And also pulsatile tinnitus. I've just learned to live with it...
  3. Maureen777

    Sudden Tinnitus and Ear Clicking/Popping Shortly After Ear Irrigation — Congestion, or Damage?

    Well, I hope the ringing is short-lived for you. Sometimes it goes away for people, I’ve heard. Good luck at your appointment.
  4. Maureen777

    Sudden Tinnitus and Ear Clicking/Popping Shortly After Ear Irrigation — Congestion, or Damage?

    Almost the same thing happened to me. I had my ears irrigated because the doctor told me I had wax in my ear. I've had problems with my ears ever since. For a few weeks afterwards, my ears were ringing, and also thumping really loud, as if there was construction noise going on in my head. The...
  5. Maureen777

    Eardrum Vibration? Tensor Tympani Myoclonus?

    Sorry, I don’t really know what to suggest. It’s a constant battle for me as well. I have figured out that stress seems to make it worse, though.
  6. Maureen777

    Thumping in My Ear Was Caused by Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome (TTTS) — Now My Thumping Is GONE!

    No change, sounds like constant low rumble in the background.
  7. Maureen777

    Thumping in My Ear Was Caused by Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome (TTTS) — Now My Thumping Is GONE!

    It's hard to describe the sound. Sort of like vibrating construction going on outside. It seems to be different all the time. But I haven't had it all day today. Keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way. And I hope yours goes away too!
  8. Maureen777

    Thumping in My Ear Was Caused by Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome (TTTS) — Now My Thumping Is GONE!

    It just started recently. It seems to be related to my upper back/spine, etc. My desk at work is too high, so my arms are constantly being raised while I type and use the mouse. Also, my pillow seemed too low, so I think my neck was being stretched the wrong way. I've switched to a different...
  9. Maureen777

    Are There Any Good ENTs Out There Specialized in Tinnitus?

    Nope, nothing like that at all. Oh well, at least I didn’t have to pay for the visit. It was covered by our provincial medical plan. This site is now my go-to for advice and possible solutions!
  10. Maureen777

    Are There Any Good ENTs Out There Specialized in Tinnitus?

    Hmmm... good question. I suppose I was hoping he would be more helpful in trying to figure out why I have tinnitus, and maybe offer some better solutions.
  11. Maureen777

    Are There Any Good ENTs Out There Specialized in Tinnitus?

    I’m just wondering about this. I waited 3 months for my ENT doctor's appointment. When I finally got in to see him, he just basically gave me some literature on CBT (cognitive behavioural training) for my tinnitus. Such a waste of time! Has anybody had any GOOD experiences with an ENT doctor?
  12. Maureen777

    Thumping in My Ear Was Caused by Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome (TTTS) — Now My Thumping Is GONE!

    Thank you very much for this info! I've had tinnitus for a long time now, but I started to get the vibrating/thumping again a few days ago. And my spine feels really tight, so I had a feeling it's related to that. I'm going to go to a chiropractor, or maybe a massage therapist, and hopefully...
  13. Maureen777

    So... What's the Prognosis for Hyperacusis? — I'm 6 Months Into Severe Hyperacusis

    I understand everybody's pain on this thread. I would just like to vent about my hyperacusis. I've had it for about a year. (along with my tinnitus) Almost every single loud noise bothers me and hurts my ears. I have to wear foam earplugs and/or headphones (without any music) when I go out...
  14. Maureen777

    Poll: Is Your Pulsatile Tinnitus Intermittent or Constant?

    Mine is constant. If I have a noisy day, it’s louder than usual for a few hours. Then when I get back to my nice quiet home, it dies back down to a bearable level.