Recent content by max1882

  1. max1882

    Alcohol Spiking Tinnitus

    Yes I know. I had already paid for it and was just waiting to pick it up. It's on a 90 day money back guarantee so I thought there's no harm trying as I was suffering at the time . It's also worked a treat too most of the time. I'm £1400 lighter though! So ENT better hurry up with appointment...
  2. max1882

    Alcohol Spiking Tinnitus

    When I had my first spike I panicked went to spec savers and got the HA. In the meantime I saw a consultant at a private hospital (referred of NHS) he told me to take the HA back and he will refer me to ENT (just by coincidence it's the same consultant that I will be seeing so he referred me to...
  3. max1882

    Alcohol Spiking Tinnitus

    Can I just add Michael the replies you have made to me in the past few weeks haven't gone unnoticed. I'm sure I speak on behalf of most posters on this forum that your help, guidance and just generally giving a helping hand to sufferers really is a God send. Not forgetting @glynis too. I'm sure...
  4. max1882

    Alcohol Spiking Tinnitus

    I've had it 4 years though lol. It's only just started spiking. Hence me joining TT, getting a hearing aid and panicking all the time! @Michael Leigh
  5. max1882

    Alcohol Spiking Tinnitus

    Just to add I've had drinks on other occasions during this time and been fine
  6. max1882

    Alcohol Spiking Tinnitus

    So I called in the pub (no music) for 2 pints on my way home. Half way through my second pint I literately heard my spike start I was mid conversation and bang my T went from not being noticeable (although still there, just I was in a pub with background noise, had my hearing aid in and white...
  7. max1882

    Poll: Would You Have Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) If You Got It for Free?

    Thanks for the reply Michael. I presume it's only free on the NHS for people who suffer badly. As bad and annoying mine is i know there are people a lot worse than me. I'd say I'm a 4/10 but I'm in the middle of a spike of 6/10
  8. max1882

    Poll: Would You Have Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) If You Got It for Free?

    Just out of interest how much does it cost? Is it available on the NHS? Most importantly, does it work? Or should I say work for everyone? Sorry for so many questions! Just one more though, what exactly does it entail?
  9. max1882

    Sudden Spike

    Right then, so following on from my spike 3 weeks ago. The spike lasted 8 days ish. A few days after it finished I went to see a consultant who has referred me to ENT. (I'm waiting now to hear from them). I picked my hearing aid up from spec savers the day after(consultant said take it back as...
  10. max1882

    Sudden Spike

    Mild, i can't remember exactly what she said but the graph (I'm sure they are all the same) started off good then nose dived. She said it was equivalent of if someone says cat/hat etc I'd only hear 'at'
  11. max1882

    Sudden Spike

    Ordered my hearing aid today, ready to pick up next Saturday. It's got a white noise masked built in. I've paid for it and it's got a 90 day return so no harm in trying it. Also I was still classed as an out patient at a private hospital that I went to when my first spike happened a few months...
  12. max1882

    Hi, I have just read your reply on a thread about hearing aids. Can you give me an update as I...

    Hi, I have just read your reply on a thread about hearing aids. Can you give me an update as I can relate to your story. How's the T? I've read it's not good practice to wear the HA only atcertain times etc as the brain can't work out whether it's in or not but you seem to have quashed this...
  13. max1882

    Sudden Spike

    Once again, thanks for the advice. When I mentioned earlier that I had a spike a few months ago that lasted a week while I was on holiday. I put it down to diving off some rocks into the sea and maybe went 3 metres deep and the pressure affected it. What's caused it this time, who knows? Btw I...
  14. max1882

    Sudden Spike

    The CBD hemp oil isn't for putting in your ears. I presume you put drops on your tongue. It's to help with relaxation and sleep Read the reviews, seems good stuff.
  15. max1882

    Sudden Spike

    Great article Michael. I have been to the doctors today. After a look inside my ear and after telling the doctor how my last spike a few months ago lasted a week he basically said just see how it gets on. As i mentioned earlier i am booked in at specsavers on Sat morning about getting a hearing...