Alcohol Spiking Tinnitus


Dec 1, 2016
Burnley, UK
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
damaged ear drum with cotton bud
So I called in the pub (no music) for 2 pints on my way home. Half way through my second pint I literately heard my spike start I was mid conversation and bang my T went from not being noticeable (although still there, just I was in a pub with background noise, had my hearing aid in and white noise masker turned on) to being noticeable. This was about 6 hours ago and it's still spiked now. I've had a 3 spikes in the last month and if I think about it I've had a drink of alcohol beforehand. Nothing in excess though. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Thanks in advance.

Can I just add Michael the replies you have made to me in the past few weeks haven't gone unnoticed. I'm sure I speak on behalf of most posters on this forum that your help, guidance and just generally giving a helping hand to sufferers really is a God send. Not forgetting @glynis too. I'm sure there are plenty more regular posters but in looking at this forum for the last month you two really do stand out. Just wanted to say thanks
When I had my first spike I panicked went to spec savers and got the HA. In the meantime I saw a consultant at a private hospital (referred of NHS) he told me to take the HA back and he will refer me to ENT (just by coincidence it's the same consultant that I will be seeing so he referred me to himself lol) and they will provide anything g they think I need. I'm just waiting for the appointment date
@max1882 Thanks for your kind words Max it is much appreciated . I know what tinnitus can do to a person when it is loud and intrusive. I was helped many years ago when Iwas a newbie by people that were experienced with tinniuts. I am just trying to give something back. Glynis is a great asset to this forum and a very good friend of mine who I've known for 5 years. There are other good contributors to TT talk and they know who they are. I won't mention names as I might forget someone and I wouldn't want to do that.
Yes I know. I had already paid for it and was just waiting to pick it up. It's on a 90 day money back guarantee so I thought there's no harm trying as I was suffering at the time . It's also worked a treat too most of the time. I'm £1400 lighter though! So ENT better hurry up with appointment before my 90 days are up!
I am not a big drinker but a social drinker and after a night of drinking and carrying on with my girl friend my tinnitus was reduced to a very low level. By contrast today a couple of days after drinking...I rarely tinnitus is up.
What we learn about this disorder is one size doesn't remotely fit all. Generally drinking helps my tinnitus but I choose not to drink except on occasion.
So my tinnitus started about 3 weeks ago, and the first week was hellish, hard to cope.
Eventually after that I stopped noticing it as much and moved on with life, but lately I have been stressed at life, long story but kinda depressed so I ended up drinking last night at a friend's party out if frustration at life.

Now here I am next morning feeling quite sick and feel like my tinnitus is back at square one, if not worse, and anxiety now has started again and holy hell I am struggling and only managed to get 4 hours sleep.
Just wondering if other people have been like this or had similar experiences, I really feel like I can't cope this time around.
@Bryce ,
A nice glass of something can be relaxing when you have tinnitus but to much can cause a spike and if on medications that say avoid alcohol.
Try to stay calm and keep relaxing music on around you and drink plenty of water and try sleep it off .
You will feel better when it wears off.
love glynis
@Bryce - Alcohol helps my tinnitus today, but I gave it up for at least 2 months when t started. I didn't trust myself with alcohol and was solely focused on figuring out the cause for my t when it started. We are all different though. Alcohol (in moderation) has a positive impact on my tinnitus while drinking and no impact the day after.

Melatonin can help with sleep if that's an issue.
@Bryce: You didn't indicate if you have seen an ENT. That is your first step. He gave me a list of foods and such to stay away from, as they can all be triggers for your t. Also he will send you to an audiologist to check your hearing.
Thanks everyone for the replies, just trying to say busy but kind of hard makes me feel a little better, even though it is hellishly loud, and agree, definitely no more alcohol.
I seen an audiologist this morning who said my hearing is fine and both ears are in the normal hearing range and working fine which is good, so guess I will need to see a doctor again possibly or track down an ENT to try and work out what might be causing it in general.

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