Recent content by MCarrie

  1. MCarrie

    Tinnitus with Balance Issue

    Hi everyone. I'm new to T, I woke up February 8th with ringing in my left ear that wouldn't stop. Went to the ER who gave me predisone. The next day it was quieter and didn't bother me much. All my life I've had some ringing in my ears that go away after a few seconds (you know the saying...
  2. MCarrie

    Is This Tinnitus?

    T is more ringing, or an eeeeee sound. Not sure about vibration though. Have you seen a doctor about it? If not, you should if it's gone on for a week now.
  3. MCarrie

    Greetings from New York, New to Tinnitus and Hoping to Recover

    Have you seen a doctor about it? Just curious...
  4. MCarrie

    New to Tinnitus

    Are you taking any meds for your anxiety or depression? I recently got T also (going on 2 weeks), and it wasn't until I came back to the doctor crying and bawling my eyes out did he prescribe some meds to calm me until we can figure out the cause of the T and treat it (hopefully). It doesn't...
  5. MCarrie

    I Found a Cure for My Tinnitus!

    I honestly don't think it's the eyebrow exercise that you did that made the T go away. 6 months is a long time to have it and I've read that T can go away as quickly as it came.
  6. MCarrie

    Could a Hearing Aid Prevent More Ear Damage?

    I've read alot about hearing aids lately, because I have over 40% hearing loss in my right ear and I've read it can lessen the intensity of tinnitus. The hearing aid itself can be turned up or down, so it won't necessarily make things loud enough to cause damage. I would think the better you...