Recent content by Mclovin

  1. Mclovin

    Really Need Guidance — It's Been a Year and I Still Am Not Used to It

    @Blinkysimon i totally get you. The only difference is that I'm 40 months in. I experience anxiety all day long for the most part and are depressed a lot. I haved tried to be positive about it but it always drags me down. I'm feel like a totally different person without any lust for life...
  2. Mclovin

    Hej! "Fedt" at se en fra DK herinde. Hvor i DK er du fra hvis jeg må spørge?! Mvh Kenneth

    Hej! "Fedt" at se en fra DK herinde. Hvor i DK er du fra hvis jeg må spørge?! Mvh Kenneth
  3. Mclovin

    Back again habituation a myth?

    Stephen, I see what you mean about fear and anxiety. Sometimes on VERY rare occasions, i can loose some of the fear, but that's very rare but they do occur. The funny thing is that it's not the the T itself i fear so much, it's more the fact that i will never get better and loose the anxiety...
  4. Mclovin

    Back again habituation a myth?

    Hi Stephen. I haven't done anything, except eating antidepressants, which don't seem to work at all. I really want to try CBT and TRT but i honestly can't afford it. I lost my previous job due to getting T, and it brought me in enormous financial problems, in which i still suffer from. I have...
  5. Mclovin

    Back again habituation a myth?

    Kathi, believe me when I say you are making really good progress, unlike many others (including myself). I, like you are working full time and do all the stuff I used to (almost), but I still can't seem to lose the constant fear and anxiety T has brought. So kathi, you are on your way, just...
  6. Mclovin

    Tinnitus Disability

    Going on disability because of tinnitus would (in my opinion) be the same as giving up on getting better. Just my 2 cents.
  7. Mclovin

    Dr. Jastreboff and Loudness ...

    Just trying to be nice....
  8. Mclovin

    Dr. Jastreboff and Loudness ...

    Hi sp. Thank you for you answer! I know about Anne-mette, and have been at her clinic once about 2 years ago. Back then I didn't have much money, due to losing my job when T hit, so I couldn't afford more treatment at the time. I will consider contacting her again, and make a new appointment...
  9. Mclovin

    Dr. Jastreboff and Loudness ...

    Hi Dr. Nagler. Really interesting Reading!! Thank you very much for this. Do you know where I can find (if any) TRT clinics in my area? I live in Sweden (malmö), but I'm originally Danish and work in Copenhagen on daily basis. Kenneth
  10. Mclovin


    What makes your T "mega T"?? I've never heard such a term for T.