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  • Freaking out because my tinnitus suddenly got really loud tonight, can't sleep— sweating, anxious, I feel sick
    Try not to panic. This is just the way tinnitus operates. Somedays seems loud other days are bearable. Anxiety makes things worst so try to relax.
    Cookies & Cream
    Hey. Keep strong. Have something to eat or drink that will relax you, like a nice glass of wine, if you like.
    It's just weird because the last few days I've been getting spikes for a couple seconds, and then they go away, and suddenly tonight it got even louder again in my left ear, I was messing around and putting my finger in there so,, maybe that's the cause
    Earlier this week I got prescribed with lexapro, side affects are very overwhelming already, but is it normal for my tinnitus to increase?
    I think the reason it affected my T was because it's known to amplify things in your brain, at least thats what I read somewhere?
    I see. Maybe next time you get a prescription like that, start with a very little dose... let your body adjust to it and see if you have any neg side effects.
    @OnceUponaTime for sure, tho I don't really trust antidepressants at all in the first place, and taking them while on quarantine is like torture, it makes you want to go out even more, when you cant
    My mom decided to throw out my humidifier today which is what I use for white noise, guess I'm not gonna sleep again. Love that.
    Oh, no. Didn't you tell her it helps you sleep? They don't get it, uh. Can you get another one? I also use a humidifier for white noise.
    You have a fan laying around somewhere? Also you could try to find white noise on Youtube
    Luckily I we managed to get it out of the trash and get a new filter for it, so it's back in my room for now, but for a couple nights I had to sleep without it, horrible
    Had some days of improvement, just came home from a visit to my grandparents and it's really loud again,, I'm scared,,
    Almost completely finished with the antibiotics and there's still no improvement, I feel worse,, it's so loud
    I'm really sorry you're going through such a hard time. Hopefully once the infection goes away and the antibiotics run their course, it'll begin fade. *hug*
    Thank you so much I really hope so too,, it's been getting worse daily, not sure if it's from the antibiotics or what, but I'm hoping everyday that I can go back to the way I was, I hate having a phobia of quiet rooms
    Currently have a sinus infection and it's causing a really uncomfortable spike,, not sure how I'll make it through this one, it's so loud
    Thank you,, I'm just unsure what to do, I've been having this for three weeks now, no improvement. I started taking antibiotics and they are making the ringing worse. Almost called the hotline last night from a panic attack
    Oh, so sorry. Are you taking meds for anxiety? Maybe raw garlic for the infection? Or if you can't take it raw you can try garlic pills for a week or so? Raw garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties
    Everyone is just telling me to finish the antibiotics, I'm just scared,, each day is getting worse and worse, I can't relax, I have to take melatonin to sleep even on weekends, I'm scared to leave the house, masking isn't working, I'm having pains and sensitivity to sounds around me, me mental state is horrible right now, and I can't miss any more school so I just don't know what to do anymore, I feel hopeless
    Hey, just wanted to send you some love and positive vibes. I know what you are going through, I am in the same boat. I believe we will both experience a reduction of our T and be able to go back to living our lives the way we were before. Stay strong, brighter days are coming.
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