Recent content by Mic

  1. M

    1st Order Pharmaceuticals Inc: 1OP-2198

    This is the official page for the phase 1 trail of XEN1101 (with TMS): The fact that they included TMS to check for empirical evidence of drug delivery in the brain is a real game changer and gives confidence in the...
  2. M

    1st Order Pharmaceuticals Inc: 1OP-2198

    Good news, but dont forget: One case is no case. Placebo is often a good but temporary remedy. The internet is full of trolls.
  3. M

    Update on AM-101 (aka Keyzilen)

    Well... in the 'dark scientific age' we live in, pre-clinical trails on animals who can't tell us if they have tinnitus, nor if any intervention is effective in supressing it, are considered common practice in drug discovery. Take in account that a substantial part of medicines now in use are...
  4. M

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    At least.... an article that explains the Shore method thoroughly and understandable for Joe and Jane: My opinion for the viability of this method (don't want to crash your party but): The population count of 10 control and 10 actual...
  5. M

    Update on AM-101 (aka Keyzilen)

    Well ladies and gentleman... AMother-101 bites the dust: Stay calm, be patient and walk away.
  6. M

    1st Order Pharmaceuticals Inc: 1OP-2198

    Just a quick update regarding XEN1101. Recruitment for the phase 1 trail has apparently started a month ago @RichardsonLab in London:
  7. M

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Well... this is confusing. Apparently in treating T Aut63 turns out to be a very effective drug at lowering the symptoms as much as 60%... for hamsters...: If they only could make this work for humans I could finally stop wasting my time on PubMed...
  8. M

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Let's make that specific then. Where does funding for tinnitus research come from? The department of defence...national health services?? The first funds research because the payout for debiliated soldiers with noise-induced T costs on the long term much more money then finding a cure (they are...
  9. M

    Maybe a New Way to Diagnose Tinnitus for People Without Hearing Loss

    This was only an anology. An example to explain that damage in the inner ear could trigger an overamplification in the brain to compensate for loss of signals from the cochlea. The result is no measurable hearing loss, but a lot of hisss... like turning the volume of your anologue amplifier way...
  10. M

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Nobody knows besides Autifony. Time will learn us.
  11. M

    Maybe a New Way to Diagnose Tinnitus for People Without Hearing Loss

    Finally.... somebody that can reproduce my experience ;) But to avoid false positives you first need to try the 'sweep experiment' with different headphones. Many headphone producer's tweak their products by playing around with the sound profile (for example they bring the bass to the...
  12. M

    Maybe a New Way to Diagnose Tinnitus for People Without Hearing Loss

    Yes No, at least not the sound I perceive. Because it is not probable that damage in the cochlea/nerve/brain is pinpointed to one frequency. A whole range of tissue will be damaged more or less generating phantom sounds on multiple frequencies with different volumes and causing a peeeeep...
  13. M

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Yes, that's exactly what they have written.... and it is a fine example of scope narrowing due to risk avoidance. Modern research is influenced by profit driven stakeholders who don't care about progress but are purely intrested in money. Because of this researchers tend to narrow their...
  14. M

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Bumping this thread because there is a new paper on PubMed about KV3 and tinnitus (Charles Large is again one of the authors). The generation of tinnitus in the brain is once again linked to the fusiform cells of the DCN (Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus). This is also the underlying theory in the...
  15. M

    Tinnitus Week 2018 / Day 1: What Techniques Do You Use to Manage Your Tinnitus?

    Keeping myself busy with work, listening to music or walking outside (rich ambient noises work like a charm). When at home I use smartphone apps: Relaxio (especially the white noise app) Signal generator (1300hz square sound for 5...