Recent content by michael senishen

  1. M

    Looking for Feedback — Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle

    Hi Jenni. Seems as though this type of "diet" might be one of staying away from carbohydrates, or more, "simple types" of carbohydrates. Depending on what you read, positives and negatives galore!! It's so hard to differentiate between what might work, and what won't. You're just going to...
  2. M

    Sleeping Pill? NOT Melatonin or Magnesium

    This subject is something that I think about constantly. To help me sleep I usually have a beer or 2, and then later on just a 1 milligram dose of melatonin, under my tongue. The give and take here is, I'm sure sleeping pills work, it's just that I'd rather take something natural, I don't want...
  3. M

    Magnesium for Relief of Tinnitus Research

    Hi. Reading all this about magnesium. I have always taken this supplement. I take something called ZMA. It's a combination of magnesium, b-6, and zinc. Many different brands of the same type of formula are made. It's usually magnesium asparate as the form. I've read that any type of magnesium...
  4. M

    Living in Hell

    Hello Paul, please do!!!
  5. M

    Living in Hell

    Hi. I have just joined this board, was seeking help and explanation for this. It helps me greatly! A year ago, ears started ringing "off the hooks". Has not subsided since. I have read that wine, or beer can make symptoms worse, but it helps me sleep, with melatonin also, I don't want to rely on...