Recent content by Mike Allman

  1. Mike Allman

    Somebody with Low Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Due to a Nasal Septum Deviation?

    Is there somebody with hyperacusis and low tinnitus due to a nasal septum deviation? I have hyperacusis (not so low) and low T (now clean) for about 9 months, two diagnoses I had with specialists and I have my nose septum deviated to the right as the cause of my hyperacusis, thanks. I would...
  2. Mike Allman

    Another Success Story

    yes, mine, my T is from an alto sax on mi ears on a little room since april 2017, now cleaned, but my H is ultra low, sometimes I felt the sensation coming back with some sounds but in a minimal way, I came back to play with my band, but my cause of H (due to a malfunction of the eustachian...
  3. Mike Allman

    Another Success Story

    yes! T seems to clean after 7-9 months after incident, not for H but H is more slow, maybe 10 months!... happy to read about this.
  4. Mike Allman

    everyone here consider H about a mechanical disease?, mine is diagnosed by a nose septum...

    everyone here consider H about a mechanical disease?, mine is diagnosed by a nose septum deviation, need surgery bt now I feel almost fine!
  5. Mike Allman

    How to Cure Tinnitus Linked to Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

    I have eustachian disfunction due to a nasal septum deviation with two doctors with the same opinion and after a audiometrics with very good result, so I need surgery to correct that, i have so lower T audible only on silence and H, but H seems to be disapearing, 6 months on this after a strong...
  6. Mike Allman

    T and H goes well after 6 months, H seems to dissapear and T is cleaning, sometimes I get a...

    T and H goes well after 6 months, H seems to dissapear and T is cleaning, sometimes I get a flashback on T but gets stable after some days..
  7. Mike Allman

    Habits That Can Help with Hyperacusis and Distortion

    @Lex every body is different, please don't think the worst be patience, for me there has been a long process of good habits and learning from my mistakes, I can really tell you that running or walking in nature 1 hour 3 days by week helps me a lot and is a slow process of re adaptation of...
  8. Mike Allman

    Travelling to Work by Train with Hyperacusis?

    use standard ear plugs while going only on subway or train, your ear must re adapt step by step to that sounds but only with time... re training your ear with street sounds really works ... remember step by step (15 minutes of street and 10 of rest with earplugs), force yourself to do it you...
  9. Mike Allman

    Habits That Can Help with Hyperacusis and Distortion

    To all dear people with hyperacusis, here are some basic observations to improve faster that helped to me. I'm experiencing this by two months and half and I feel better with time. A month after that went to the ENT and eat pills and make the valsalva exercise and others. Diagnosed by...
  10. Mike Allman

    Feel Like I Am Getting More Sensitive

    yes, concert, clubs and pubs should be out of the map for a while on my case, outside sounds doesn't affect me but loud pubs of course yes!..., Im two months improving and a talking by two hours on a pub decreased my progress in 20% from 100%, sad but true, I need rest from that by a year I...
  11. Mike Allman

    Two Months In

    @alyssalee97 Congratulations! please, make some physical activities on open air, helps a lot! you will note the difference, I'm one month with this and it diminished the hyperacusia even Im listening to music normally again!, don't lose the faith and keep strong, is a fact that this is a slow...
  12. Mike Allman

    Improving from Noise-Induced Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Twice! Back to Conducting

    @Conductor I just remember about being with some kind of hiperacusia 3 years ago, but in minimal levels so I started to protect my ears while playing with amplified stuff, it happened too on classical guitar while rehearsing on a small room with stone walls on the low and forte tones,... but it...
  13. Mike Allman

    Improving from Noise-Induced Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Twice! Back to Conducting

    @Conductor yes man, there is some days when I fall down, specially by the mornings but quickly Im learning to go ahead, making excercise by the mornings helps to go with your days more softer and relaxed and your finish your day very well, the only thing is going back composing with my band...
  14. Mike Allman

    Improving from Noise-Induced Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Twice! Back to Conducting

    hey man, I'm 26. I'm reading your post and Im on the same as you!, I'm musician and graphic designer, I was exposed to high volumes over a year or reheasing with a band and goes worst after hearing an alto sax playing without earplugs!!! I went to doctor and told me about hyperacusis...
  15. Mike Allman

    Staying positive and occupied!

    Staying positive and occupied!