Dear all
This is the succes story from a young conductor(I'm only 23) who is slowly improving for the SECOND TIME after major Acoustic injuries as a result of being a musician.
In 2011 (aged 17) I got H and mild T (heard in quiet places only) after playing a long series of concerts as a Horn player in symphonic orchestras in front of RAMBO-percussionists. Despite the T and painful H I stubbornly continued to play for the next 7 months(with custom earplugs) to reduce anxiety and although the hyperacusis pained me during high frequencies and the usual knives on plate, my ears quickly learned to adjust to extreme loudness in volume. After 3-4 months high frequencies also seemed to bother me less than before although my brother's piccolo practice still kills me now hahaha.
Anyway fast forward, H resolved/faded after 5months and so did T after 7-8months to my great delight!!!
I decided to put all my effort into becoming a conductor, after a STRESSful period at university as it caused me to reduce french horn practice due to tendonitis in the schoulder-neck area!!
As I had experienced before, Stress is a huge contributor to tinitus and even more so for hyperacusis so I decided to take care not to get it again.
After six years of non-earplug musicianship and conducting, happy times, I overdid it again by going to a jazz concert without plugs. After several years of enormous exposure to orchestras, AMPLIFIED JAZZ was what got me!!! DAMN IT NOT AGAIN!
I spent two weeks in total agony, my H went through the roof(my own voice hurts) and moderate T was preventing me to sleep, think, conduct, play music and even be positive at all. Anxiety and stress forced me to take relaxing drugs and also Magnesium and gingko which I believe prevented complete breakdown at the time.
What I did from day one is worry. What I also did was improvise on the piano and get a lot of physical activity! WEEK 3: french horn playing still makes my ear spasm, but I don't give a shit, I WILL PLAY!
Two upper octaves on piano still provoke ear spasm but I still have plenty of octaves "left"
Last week I even conducted my string ensemble with earplugs and only minor pain, best moment so far!
Now 5weeks in the tinnitus has gone to a hiss instead of a ring, nevertheless there is no real reduction in loudness. My hyperacusis is very slowly starting to clear up, but it is a day to day process with setbacks all the time. I STILL FEEL BAD BUT
-I SLEEP well thanks to swimming and red wine and sex - anxiety reduction!
-Doing what I LOVE (despite the pain)
-MASSAGE, and I also intend to take accupuncture soon
-LAUGHING for no reason(this really took the stress out of my jaw!!)
-RESTING EARS-RETRAINING EARS(volume build up, painful frequencies at milder volume, avoid silence)
-I am a great believer in CBT/TRT but do not intend to take it(expensive) unless shit really hits the fan in the next 6months!
I BELIEVE IT WILL GO, AS IT DID BEFORE! + I'm more aware of the body-mind connection
Any questions, feel free to respond!
Best wishes
This is the succes story from a young conductor(I'm only 23) who is slowly improving for the SECOND TIME after major Acoustic injuries as a result of being a musician.
In 2011 (aged 17) I got H and mild T (heard in quiet places only) after playing a long series of concerts as a Horn player in symphonic orchestras in front of RAMBO-percussionists. Despite the T and painful H I stubbornly continued to play for the next 7 months(with custom earplugs) to reduce anxiety and although the hyperacusis pained me during high frequencies and the usual knives on plate, my ears quickly learned to adjust to extreme loudness in volume. After 3-4 months high frequencies also seemed to bother me less than before although my brother's piccolo practice still kills me now hahaha.
Anyway fast forward, H resolved/faded after 5months and so did T after 7-8months to my great delight!!!
I decided to put all my effort into becoming a conductor, after a STRESSful period at university as it caused me to reduce french horn practice due to tendonitis in the schoulder-neck area!!
As I had experienced before, Stress is a huge contributor to tinitus and even more so for hyperacusis so I decided to take care not to get it again.
After six years of non-earplug musicianship and conducting, happy times, I overdid it again by going to a jazz concert without plugs. After several years of enormous exposure to orchestras, AMPLIFIED JAZZ was what got me!!! DAMN IT NOT AGAIN!
I spent two weeks in total agony, my H went through the roof(my own voice hurts) and moderate T was preventing me to sleep, think, conduct, play music and even be positive at all. Anxiety and stress forced me to take relaxing drugs and also Magnesium and gingko which I believe prevented complete breakdown at the time.
What I did from day one is worry. What I also did was improvise on the piano and get a lot of physical activity! WEEK 3: french horn playing still makes my ear spasm, but I don't give a shit, I WILL PLAY!
Two upper octaves on piano still provoke ear spasm but I still have plenty of octaves "left"

Last week I even conducted my string ensemble with earplugs and only minor pain, best moment so far!
Now 5weeks in the tinnitus has gone to a hiss instead of a ring, nevertheless there is no real reduction in loudness. My hyperacusis is very slowly starting to clear up, but it is a day to day process with setbacks all the time. I STILL FEEL BAD BUT
-I SLEEP well thanks to swimming and red wine and sex - anxiety reduction!
-Doing what I LOVE (despite the pain)
-MASSAGE, and I also intend to take accupuncture soon
-LAUGHING for no reason(this really took the stress out of my jaw!!)
-RESTING EARS-RETRAINING EARS(volume build up, painful frequencies at milder volume, avoid silence)
-I am a great believer in CBT/TRT but do not intend to take it(expensive) unless shit really hits the fan in the next 6months!
I BELIEVE IT WILL GO, AS IT DID BEFORE! + I'm more aware of the body-mind connection
Any questions, feel free to respond!
Best wishes