Recent content by Mike34

  1. Mike34

    Hey man, saw the message you sent but it won't let me respond. I have the same issues, but I...

    Hey man, saw the message you sent but it won't let me respond. I have the same issues, but I have habituated to all of them. My H has decreased dramatically, my T has probably increased, but I deal with both very well.
  2. Mike34

    Help! Tinnitus + Pressure and Pain

    Thanks. Yeah, mine isn't fluid I don't think. Things have gotten gradually better. The tinnitus is louder, but I'm dealing with it much better. I still have the crawly feelings and a humming sound/feeling, but those I'm working on dealing with as well. :) I can basically say I've "moved...
  3. Mike34

    Humming/Vibrating/Generator Feeling Gone (For Now) and Here's What I Took...

    Thanks. My ears are a bit worse now after a setback. I'm taking it day by day. I doubled the turmeric dose but not sure it helps. The Hum comes and goes, some days better and some worse.
  4. Mike34

    Humming/Vibrating/Generator Feeling Gone (For Now) and Here's What I Took...

    Thanks. Been having some tensor tympani and stapedial myoclonus lately that really sucks. Not sure I'll ever get better.
  5. Mike34

    Humming/Vibrating/Generator Feeling Gone (For Now) and Here's What I Took...

    T Thanks! I just had my third child (boy) so that may be limited anyway. :)
  6. Mike34

    Humming/Vibrating/Generator Feeling Gone (For Now) and Here's What I Took...

    I think it's worth mentioning that along with this came the weird fluttering ear sensations. I have three distinct ones - a click, a very deep rumbling (feels like a very quick muscle spasm), and the fluttering eardrum (feels like a microphone thumping) which I believe is the tensor tympani...
  7. Mike34

    Humming/Vibrating/Generator Feeling Gone (For Now) and Here's What I Took...

    Sometimes low frequency noise does. Honestly I can deal with it except at night going to sleep. It's impossible to ignore and keeps me up.
  8. Mike34

    Humming/Vibrating/Generator Feeling Gone (For Now) and Here's What I Took...

    Anyone with any tips? Mine has recently come back for good. Really no idea what caused that.
  9. Mike34

    Humming/Vibrating/Generator Feeling Gone (For Now) and Here's What I Took...

    Yes they are acting up. I've been very congested but it doesn't seem to tie into the humming that I can tell. I also think mine is tied to noise as before this started back I did have a couple of loud incidents around me. My humming is worse on my bad side (right) and I can barely feel it on...
  10. Mike34

    Humming/Vibrating/Generator Feeling Gone (For Now) and Here's What I Took...

    N No I'm still taking it. There is another factor there that causes it to come back but I don't know what it is. I wish we knew the etiology of the feeling so we can combat it. It has died back down again today so we will see. I also did want to mention that I tried l-Theanine for a while...
  11. Mike34

    Humming/Vibrating/Generator Feeling Gone (For Now) and Here's What I Took...

    Sorry Val. What all have you tried?
  12. Mike34

    Humming/Vibrating/Generator Feeling Gone (For Now) and Here's What I Took...

    Yep. It's a humming feeling rather than a sound. It can not be masked and it's very hard to ignore. Consequently, last night it spontaneously came back for me to such an extent that I started getting feelings of anxiety when trying to ignore it to go to sleep. Haven't felt like that in a long...
  13. Mike34

    Humming/Vibrating/Generator Feeling Gone (For Now) and Here's What I Took...

    See if it helps. It's important to note that since going away it has come back from time to time. It will stay for a couple days and then go away (for the most part). If I'm In a small bathroom I can barely feel it sometimes.
  14. Mike34

    My Hyperacusis Has Reduced by 80%.

    Good to hear! Mine is still mild as well, but my T has increased dramatically. Ugh.