Recent content by Mike82

  1. Mike82

    Studies Confirm Tinnitus Improves Over Time

    High strung, obsessive type over here! I've had screaming, insanely loud tinnitus for just over seven years now. There is no way it has improved over time. It has demonstrably gotten worse. In saying that, for want of a better analogy, you just have to learn to cope with it. My ears are...
  2. Mike82

    Hello from Brisbane, Australia

    You said it, @coldroses. I might as well have told the few medical practitioners I've spoken to about tinnitus and its profound impact on my life that I'd just landed here from Mars, given their baffled response.
  3. Mike82

    G'day from Brisbane, Australia

    Hi all. My apologies for not checking back on this thread for what appears to have been several months. Unfortunately I've still got raging tinnitus. Seems I'm not the only one!
  4. Mike82


    Yeah, I take it every night. Haven't noticed much (any?) change in my tinnitus. Helps me get to sleep, though.
  5. Mike82

    Should I Cancel My Trip Abroad?

    I just came back from 12-days in Japan. Couldn't have had more fun if I tried. Weirdly enough, the whole time I was over there I barely noticed my tinnitus (and mine is loud).
  6. Mike82

    Stop Researching a Cure for Tinnitus. Anyone Can Recover Naturally.

    Now that you've got your tinnitus sorted @Oscram, you should probably get checked out for a Borderline Personality Disorder next.
  7. Mike82

    Hope for Those Who Believe

    I suppose the implication is that there's no hope for those who don't believe... But perhaps just as chuckle-worthy is how arbitrary the list of tinnitus causes always seems to be. "I was walking past a babbling brook on a moonless night three days beyond the winter solstice, when an owl in...
  8. Mike82

    Why Is DTL Following the TRT Lies?

    If only this were true for everyone. My tinnitus is not louder in volume because of my perception. It's louder in volume because it got louder. As a naturally analytical person, it always surprises me how many tinnitus sufferers wish to deny this possibility. Perhaps it's because, deep down...
  9. Mike82

    Hello I'm New

    G'day Brittany. I'm from Sydney originally. It's definitely difficult to get people to understand this condition. I had to explain my symptoms at length to my GP, who admitted he had no idea about tinnitus. Your tinnitus sounds a lot like mine, in that I can hear mine over everything and often...
  10. Mike82

    Tinnitus Suffering as a Phobia

    But in your subject line you called tinnitus suffering "a phobia" - ie. a fear of something. And aversion (ie. a strong dislike) and irritation (the state of feeling annoyed) are almost synonyms. I think you'd very much like to believe your hypothesis. And you use a lot of rhetoric to try and...
  11. Mike82

    Tinnitus Suffering as a Phobia

    You are wrong. I'm not scared of the ringing in my ears. It's not fear that causes irritation. It's the volume of my tinnitus.
  12. Mike82

    The Next Time Someone Doesn't Sympathize with Your Tinnitus Suffering, Maybe You Should Do This

    Why do they need to? I'm sure my girlfriend gets period pain every month, but I don't find myself punching my stomach, or giving myself nosebleeds, to prove that I can empathise. What difference would it make? I'm all for raising awareness to help prevent people from getting tinnitus - it...
  13. Mike82

    What Is Life Worth without Hearing Normally?

    And people are answering, and you are ignoring them, then the whole cycle starts all over again.
  14. Mike82

    Tinnitus Suffering as a Phobia

    I reckon I could give it a go. I used to suffer from mild tinnitus. I was aware it was there, but since it never bothered me, I never did anything about it. Now I have a more severe form of tinnitus, almost certainly brought about because I didn't heed the warning signs of my much milder...
  15. Mike82

    What Is Life Worth without Hearing Normally?

    Hey @jdjd09, instead of asking questions which can't be feasibly answered on here, why don't you go and ask some questions of a therapist? Maybe when you get some of your mental health issues in order, you'll find it much easier to cope with your hearing issues. Just a thought.