Recent content by MikeL1972

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    A Month In and It Looks Like My Tinnitus Is Here to Stay... Help!

    Hi @Tranquility Habituation is your best friend when it comes to living with T. Personally, it took me 4-6 months.
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    2 Months of Ringing. Because of Lexapro or Nicoderm Patch?

    @Jim Goose - Welcome aboard, Kim. Like others said, the key is to habituate. It varies from person to person, but it took me around 4-6 months. As for the depression, I am taking Lexapro and has enabled me to sleep through the night.
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    The Effects of Lexapro (Escitalopram) on Those Who Already Have Tinnitus?

    @Cape crusader I have been taking a low dose (10 mg) of Lexapro for 2 years now and it has been a savior for me in terms of allowing me to sleep through the night due to anxiety and depression. About 6-8 months ago I stopped taking it for a while and the anxiety & depression (and consequently...
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    New Member — Advice on Habituating to Intermittent Tinnitus?

    Hi @Annie3, Welcome aboard. Everyone's nervous system is wired differently, but what worked for me is not to focus on it. This includes going for walks, reading, watching movies, listening to jazz, etc. Basically, any activity where your mind is not focused on it. Yes, the best treatment is...
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    @Welsh Lisa - Hi and welcome to the forum! Hang in there!
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    This Is My Story

    @ManitoCR Hello and welcome to the board. Virtually everyone who is new to tinnitus goes through the entire spectrum of emotions you outlined above; perfectly normal. Two and a half years ago when I went to the ENT, he told me upfront not to spend any money on spurious "cures" and told me the...
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    Looking for a Cure

    @Charles Corte - welcome aboard! There is no "cure" as of this writing. The best way to deal with tinnitus is habituation. In simple terms, it means your nervous system will learn to ignore it over time. It worked for me, and hopefully it will work for you too.
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    Hello Everyone!

    @JuneStar - Welcome aboard. You have the strength to care for 3 kids, so tinnitus is nothing more than a nuisance that you will learn to ignore over time.
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    I Can't Do Work Anymore

    @sirhand - Believe me, you are not the only individual with tinnitus. Countless millions of people are afflicted with it and lead normal, productive lives; they go to work, raise families, go out and socialize, and endure life's obstacles. Here is the mental trick I use: leave tinnitus alone...
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    Help! Sleeping Med Suggestions for Tinnitus?

    Hi Kat, Instead of resorting to sleeping meds, try to take a holistic approach. For example, you can try other therapies to get you to relax, ie. music, bath, exercise, or reading. If that does not work, ask your family doctor for a prescription for an SSRI. Good luck!
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    New to Tinnitus, Sleep Became Impossible

    Unfortunately, since there is no medical avenue for you to go down, this is something you will need to address on your own. What I can tell you is the more you think about it and try to fight it, the tougher it will be for you to put the noise behind you. I, too, tried to fight it head on then...
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    New to Tinnitus, Sleep Became Impossible

    @John Rose - the best result is when your nervous system finally stops fighting and learns to live with it. In the interim, establish a pre-bed ritual and stick by it. This means unwind and go to bed around the same time every day. The more relaxed you are, the better it will be for you to...
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    Hello Everybody! I'm Igor! T-Man! =)

    Hi Igor, The most important thing you can do is to take back control. It is not easy - for sure - but you can do it. Some suggestions I can offer include exercise (start with walks and then if your knees can take it, work your way up to jogging), have a regular bed-time, watch your diet (eat...
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    I Thought Sleep Apnea Was Bad Enough

    Hi Steve, Welcome aboard! I urge you to check out this web site in its entirety for great advice! As for continuing performing, you may want to consider investing in ear protection to reduce risk of hearing issues.
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    Why Do Doctors Not Know What Causes Tinnitus?

    @CrystalB You raise a very fair question. I suspect technology and medicine will intersect one day in the near future to give us that answer. I would think the answer would be dependent on mapping the human brain and it's millions of neurons. This alone proves that the human brain is the most...