
I am a 56 year old, white chick from the Midwest, with a raging case of tinnitus and misophonia, dating back from a very long time, probably self inflicted by loud music and God knows what else!! I am just interested in hearing about other folks stories with their audio issues. I feel like I am the only one a lot of the time. I am hard of hearing now, probably could benefit from hearing aids, but not willing to spend money on that. The misophonia goes way back in my life, probably to childhood, I just thought it was me being crabby or irritable, but i have learned that is not the case. I also experience the phenomonon of ASMR, again, didn't know it was a "thing", until a few years ago. I have been experiencing ASMR for many years as well, but it wasn't until I was into my 20's that I noticed it about myself, and never really gave it much thought because it was a pleasant experience. I never even mentioned it to anyone because of fear that they would think I was strange. I would experience ASMR when I would go to a new class in college, and the new instructor would start talking and I would start to feel relaxed and focused. I should mention that I also experience attention deficit disorder, and have all my life, but back in my day, there wasn't such a thing. It wasn't recognized or even had a name until I was a young adult. This explains my difficulty in school. Anyway, this is just a basic description of me and what I deal with everyday if my life. Not complaining though, I have learned ways to deal with it. It's just very nice to know that there are other folks who experience the same things, and that I am not necessarily a head case or a difficult person.

Member statistics

Jan 8, 1968 (Age: 56)
St. Louis, Missouri
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
at this moment, custodian, but have had many other different positions through out my life.


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