Mister Muso

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  • Just discovered a former band-mate has tinnitus in the ear facing the drummer. Same as me.
    Check with the drummer, maybe he has T in both ears :D
    Mister Muso
    @Julien87 Haha Last I heard he was still playing the drums. He also has Huntington's disease so he's probably just glad to be alive!
    Fleeting tinnitus again after listening to heavy metal music - damn, got to stop doing that.
    Mister Muso
    I do still have problems with plastic bags rustling, ripping cardboard and sellotape, pots and pans in the kitchen, supermarket trollies and bleeping checkouts. I always carry earplugs with me for such events.
    • C


    Does these spike you or do some make a glassy sound? Last week a pressure washer motor gave me a high piercing spike. It took two hours to come down.
    Mister Muso
    @James1977 I can get a spike or more likely ear fullness lasting up to an hour from plastic bag rustling. Up to a couple of days from a door banging or cutlery falling to the floor. My susceptibility to such incidents is gradually reducing thankfully.
    Just got a new tone to add to the orchestra. Middle C I think. Too much piano playing??
    They can be quiet loud.. drums are the worst instrument though
    Mister Muso
    I do always use at least musician's earplugs. Sometimes foam. Sometimes with ear defenders on top depending on what I'm playing. But yes we must always still be careful... Sucks doesn't it?
    Got a major bout of TTTS for the first time in a while, following several spikes. Maybe a warning sign?
    • G


    Two in my bad ear and one in my good ear. I then got all kinds of TTTS symptoms after this. I'm not really sure what brought on these strange spikes. I'd never had them before or since (so far anyway).
    • G


    Perhaps my kids. I don't protect enough around them
    Mister Muso
    It must be hard having young kids with our conditions. Mine are teenagers now so they aren't as bad usually, but sometimes my daughter gets over-excited.
    Uh oh, back on the crickets again tonight. Must have been that filling at the dentist.
    Bill Bauer
    Was it a hiss earlier? If so, how long have you had it?
    Mister Muso
    Hey Bill, yes the default tone is a reactive hiss, sometimes more in one side than the other. But about once or twice a week it will solidify into a loud ringing that fills my head and needs some loud masking to keep me sane.
    I am so DONE with amitriptylene!!!
    Bill Bauer
    What happened?
    Mister Muso
    Tired of being tired all the time. Crazy dreams every night. The return of my stress related breathing difficulties. It's not been helping much with anything lately so I may as well come off it and see what happens. Feeling pretty good physically after one week off it, sleeping ok, but starting to feel moody and broody again.
    Mister Muso
    Thanks for asking btw.
    Amitriptyline Dreams: In last night's crazy episode, my son was voted Rapper of the Week on Twitch.
    I'm only on 20mg, tbh i feel like i slept better on 10mg.. back back then i wasn't as stressed haha. I don't really dream anymore..
    Mister Muso
    I stuck with 10mg. Actually ended up cutting them into two, then 4 as I tapered off. The reduced hyperacusis has continued but I wonder if it's starting to crank back up a little again I might go back on it depending on what my doctor says.
    Foam plugs in the office - it's the way forward. Luckily nobody comes to me with questions very much these days!
    If you need a middle ground, try cutting them in half! It's what I do when I still need to hear people clearly but want some protection
    Mister Muso
    I've tried not sticking them all the way in, but I don't want it to look too obvious if I'm speaking to someone. So I might give that a try!
    Buzzing every night in my dreams with the Amitriptylene side-effects
    Mister Muso
    I don't mind if it increases my tinnitus a bit. I'm persisting as it seems to be helping my hyperacusis.
    I'm glad that it does, I wish I could say the same!
    Mister Muso
    It helped for the first week or two I was on it, but seems to have reached a plateau. I'd stopped taking the amitriptylene for a while due to the brutal side-effects, so I may have slipped back a little. I don't notice any effect either way on my tinnitus levels. But those crazy dreams - wow!
    Just used a vacuum cleaner and got TTTS again for the first time in weeks. Vacuuming is NOT ok for hyperacusis sufferers!
    My first tinnitus clinic appointment tomorrow!
    Ask them about neuromodulation and stem cells and stuff!
    Mister Muso
    I asked about treatments/cures but she said she didn't think they were likely to be offered by the NHS in the UK any time soon as most of the research is happening outside the UK. She did say she had tinnitus herself and thought mine would keep on reducing if I kept doing what I'm doing. I've just gone and spiked it again due to family staying with us but hopefully just another temporary setback.
    Another ENT appointment tomorrow. Hello Doctor No. 5!
    You are riding the carousel of pointless ENT visits. Many before you have rode, and got no where. It's about time you get off.
    Mister Muso
    Yep, I'm done with the docs. They keep waffling about tinnitus in general terms, saying "you'll get used to it", "I have a bit of tinnitus too". None of them understands hyperacusis, or that white noise doesn't work for everyone. We have to be the masters of our own "recovery", as far as one is possible
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